5 Ways to beat loneliness in the UK’s biggest city
26 November 2021
UCL student Tomi Haffety gives her 5 top tips to beating loneliness in London.

1. Talk to other residents in halls
Although it can be scary moving to a new city, let alone one with seven million residents, it is always important to find a solid foundation in your accommodation.
There are so many events happening at UCL societies, and there is something for everyone no matter what your interest. There are events from sports team tasters to weekly film screenings.
Don’t be afraid to talk to someone you shared dinner with, or recognise from your course, and invite them along to something that you think looks fun!
2. Talk to home friends regularly
Leaving your hometown, where you have a solid base, can be scary and make you feel especially lonely if you don’t instantly make the same connections at university.
However, the comfort of your home friends and family will always be there.
At present, it is easier than ever to stay in contact with people who live far away, and so if you ever do feel lonely then reaching out to them by just calling them for an hour can make you feel a lot better.
Staying connected will make you feel less lonely because you can interact with someone even if they aren’t in London, and even if they can't be physically with you they are still supporting you in the best way they can.
3. Try new things
Coming to university in London means that you have a wealth of opportunities to get involved in something new.
Is there a cuisine you want to try or a gallery you want to visit? Maybe even a film you always wanted to watch? Now is your chance!
London has so many cultural events and distinct opportunities that aren’t readily available everywhere.
Chinatown, for example, is a great way to explore new cuisines and cultures. While you are immersing yourself in something new, alone or with others, it is hard to feel lonely because you are busy enjoying yourself.
There might be something you love that you want to share too. This way, you can invite others to partake in this activity, and share an experience with new friends.
4. Explore the outdoors
Although it can often feel like a concrete jungle, London is a city full of green space.
Staying in your room and feeling lonely can only exacerbate the situation. Getting outside, into the fresh air, might give you more energy to socialise and reach out.
Often, it helps to listen to music or a podcast, so that you can feel less alone because you are listening to voices.
However, sometimes it is just as cathartic to listen to the buzz of London life, and appreciate the millions of different lives interacting in one space.
5. Get professional help
If you feel lonely, and think there is no way to feel better, then it is important to reach out and talk to someone.
UCL Student Support and Wellbeing provides a range of mental health services to help any student in need of professional help.
London is a great city for so many things, and although it can be utterly overwhelming at times, there are many ways to combat loneliness.
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash