Research projects
Our research project directory provides a list of active research projects at the UCL Urban Laboratory. You can also take a look at previous research projects on a seperate page.
Canary Wharf: a workshop for the future city
Developing new perspectives on the distinctive role and place of Canary Wharf in London, and how the area might be used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the city as a diverse and dynamic hub of different forms of urban and speculative activity
The City Dionysia - Narrating Wasteland in Urban Life
Creative Fellowship exploring how twenty-first century theatre can promote creative inquiry into today’s urban problems: in this case, Waste.
Curating the City
Exploring the dilemmas when it comes to negotiating the relationship between the urban past, present and future
(En)Visioning Justice: Citizens’ Assemblies and Energy Futures in the Global South
Two projects advancing the research agenda on energy justice in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region through Citizen Assemblies and academic debate.
LGBTQ+ nightlife spaces in London
This research project focuses on nightlife spaces important to London's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and other (LGBTQ+) communities since 1986
Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development
ERC-funded comparative research to produce new perspectives on urban governance challenges in three African cities - Accra, Dar es Salaam and Lilongwe
Night spaces: migration, culture and Integration in Europe
International research project on how night spaces are produced, imagined, experienced and narrated by migrant communities
Remembering Ruth Glass
Ongoing research project to catalogue and present the work of urban sociologist Ruth Glass (1912-1990) and the Centre for Urban Studies (1958-c.1980)