UCL City Mill Skateboarding Festival at UCL East
7 May 2024
We’re hosting a skateboarding extravaganza on our temporary skate park on our UCL East campus on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 May with activities including a conference, coaching, meet-up, skate market, competitions and film screenings, all open to all.

Our City Mill Pool Street skate park is a temporary community facility created by UCL and partners on undeveloped land on our new UCL East campus on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park at East Bank, the UK’s newest cultural quarter.
The skate park was borne out of UCL's City Mill Skate research project and designed by and with the local skateboard community. The temporary facility opened in the summer of 2022 and has hosted a series of events and learning opportunities for skaters of all abilities and ages and their families.
The Common Grounds conference is a free event that will open the City Mill Skateboarding Festival and look at skateboarding, learning and the built environment. It will explore how creative and participatory approaches to community engagement can influence the design and use of public spaces, and how skate communities then form around them.
The event will include keynote presentations, panel discussions, a film screening and a tour of City Mill Pool Street skate park.
Full details of the 2-day festival schedule are available on the Skateboard GB website with highlights including:
- UCL City Mill Skate conference Common Grounds (Friday 17 May from 9:30am)
- Yoga for skaters (9am Saturday 18 May)
- Meet- Up with big-name coaching (10am Saturday 18 May)
- Skate market, workshops, demos, tricks and prizes (12pm Saturday 18 May)
- UCL City Mill skateboard film screenings (6pm to 8pm Saturday 18 May)
Everyone is welcome to take part in the festival. Please make sure you register for tickets to attend the conference element on Friday 17 May and/or the film screenings element on Saturday 18 May.
All UCL City Mill Skate events are open to all genders and all ages and to skaters of all levels.
See the City Mill Skateboarding Festival schedule