The TRO will discuss available translational funding options and upcoming deadlines with you, to help you learn which is the best fit for your project, and then support your applications.
What type of translational funding scheme is right for you?
Explore the resource below to give you an idea of an appropriate type of translational funding scheme to go for according to your stage of project (Technology Readiness Level, TRL):
- You have proof-of-concept evidence to support your translational idea, but are lacking initial pilot data:
TRLs 1-2: Basic science funding, such as the UCL TINs Pilot Data funds
- You have generated pilot data:
TRLs 2-4: Seed funding, such as the UCL Therapeutic Acceleration Support (TAS) fund
- You need to conduct pre-clinical studies:
TRLs 4-5: Wider range of Translational funds available, including from Biomedical Research Centres, or external funders including MRC, EPSRC, charities and industry partnerships
- Your research is ready to progress to clinical trials:
TRLs 6-9: Large grants required, including from internal Venture funding (eg. UCL Tech Fund, Apollo Fund etc) or external funding (eg. NIHR, UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Innovate UK etc)