Early Module Feedback Questionnaire available to help you gather students' first impressions
6 October 2020
Four quick questions to help you gather Week 3 student feedback on your module. Training on using the Early Module Feedback Questionnaire takes place this week.
Following feedback from academic departments that colleagues would like early module feedback from students, the Office of the Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs) has worked with academic colleagues and representatives from Arena and Digital Education to design a quick, simple Moodle questionnaire that will complement UCL’s extensive suite of existing feedback tools.
The Early Module Feedback Questionnaire (EMFQ) enables you to get a quick picture of students’ initial experience of the module, to respond quickly to any issues identified. This is not intended to be an evaluative, reflective survey – if needed, you may decide to seek further details through other methods.
The questionnaire is for use during Week 3, 12-16 October, and can be used by Module Leads as a 'temperature check' to gather and respond to students' feedback about their early experience of the module.
The online questionnaire is optional and recommended for modules with greater than 20 students. For smaller cohorts, where contact between staff and students should be sufficient to surface any problems in a more discursive manner, online tools are not necessary.
The EMFQ is provided as an optional tool to complement existing feedback mechanisms such as SSCCs, SEQs, Unitu, and institutional surveys etc., which will gather evaluative and qualitative responses later in the term..
How it will work
The questionnaire has been created as a template on Moodle, and is quick and simple to add to Moodle courses.
The questions in the survey are:
a. Do you understand what you are supposed be learning on this module? Y/N
b. Do you understand how you’ll be assessed? Y/N
c. Can you access the learning resources? Y/N
d. Do you know who to contact for help? Y/N
These simple questions will allow Module Leads to assess at a glance whether students have everything they need to undertake the module. The data will be owned and followed up at a local level – further guidance and support to help you respond to the feedback will follow.
Faculties and Departments may choose to use other models or tools (such as Mentimeter) to gauge student satisfaction at this early stage. To support staff, we will publish guidance shortly on our Student Voice and Surveys page, detailing how to build questionnaires on Moodle, as well as some basic advice on designing them.
Attend a training session
Training is taking place this week to support Module Leads and Teaching Administrators. Each session will cover how to add the EMFQ template to your Moodle course, release it to your students and access the replies.
To attend, simply click on one of the MS Teams links below at the given date and time:
- Wednesday 7 October, 4.00-4.30
- Thursday 8 October, 10:30-11:00
- Thursday 8 October, 3.00-3:30
- Friday 9 October, 11.00-11:30
- Monday 12 October, 11.00-11.30
Image credit: Andrew Neel / Unsplash.com