What do new students think of UCL?
10 January 2017
The first New To UCL Survey gives a broadly positive picture of the experience of new students.

Overall, some 92% of new students agreed that they feel welcome and part of the UCL community, and 94% are satisfied with their overall arrival experience here.
The survey was sent to just under 19,000 new students, both undergraduates and postgraduates, and 25% (4600) took part.
Other headlines bear out anecdotal evidence that our reputation and location are the top reasons why our students choose to study with us, although the cost of living in London and tuition fees are cited as the main reasons why students might have decided not to take up their place with us.
95% of new students agreed that staff in their department had made them feel welcome, although only 71% said that module selection was straightforward. Awareness of support services is mixed, with 78% of new students aware of how to access UCL Careers if they need to, but only 60% aware of how to find Student Psychological Services and Disability Services. Of those in UCL-managed accommodation, 92% agreed that the moving in process was well-organised and straightforward.
The survey, which ran throughout November, was developed after wide consultation by the Student Engagement team in the Office of the Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs). The survey is intended to replace the Arrival section of the Student Barometer.
The Student Engagement team is now doing further analysis, in order to produce reports at faculty, department and professional service level. The data, together with open comments, will be distributed this month.
The National Student Survey (NSS) 2017 is now open. All final year undergraduate students at UCL have been emailed and invited to participate. The survey closes 30 April and results will be released in the summer.