Supporting students' mental health: training for professional services 4 May
04 May 2021, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm

Calling all professional services: are you often the first point of contact for students when they are experiencing difficulties? Join this session with Student Support and Wellbeing to access some practical tools, whilst supporting your wellbeing.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre
This event will take place online.Details and registration will be sent to you.******United Kingdom
Tuesday 4 May 14:00 - 15:30
Professional Service staff within departments are often the first point of contact for students when they are experiencing difficulties.
In this session, we will address and explore what it means to be that first point of contact.
We will provide you with information and some practical tools to enable confidence for you in this role and to also support yourself in this role.
After attending this session you will
- have access to practical tools to use when receiving first disclosure
- understand the difference between a mental health crisis and having a mental illness
- have increased confidence in sign posting and referring students to services
- know where and how to look after your own wellbeing when supporting others
Who should attend
You should attend if you are a professional services member of UCL staff, who supports students' learning.