Taking positive action through Staff-Student Consultative Committees (SSCCs) 13 Nov
13 November 2019, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Make effective use of your SSCCs and improve your students experience at UCL.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre
Arena Room, 10th Floor1-19 Torrington Place, LondonLondonWC1E 7HBUnited Kingdom
Wednesday 13 November 16:00 - 17:00
Join a panel of staff and students from Academic Services, Students’ Union, current students, VP Office, and UCL Arena Centre. Each will present five-minute perspectives on opportunities that are available to SSCC’s and how they can work effectively.
You will also receive advice on how to use your ChangeMakers funding to develop projects from opportunities and problems.
We will share resources, and participants will be able to ask questions and share insights and experience.
After attending this session you will
- identify their role in helping their department’s SSCC to take positive action
- know where to locate and use resources to help SSCCs work effectively
- understand essential information that students and staff require in order to apply for ChangeMakers department project funding
Who should attend
You should attend if are a Chair of an SSCC/DTC Committee, Head of Department or Student Representative.
About the Speaker
at UCL