
UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science


Lectures and events

Watch our experts debate and discuss the latest topics in head and neck disease across a variety of lectures and conversation series.

Update lectures

These free 45-minute lectures help to promote discussion and keep you up to date with the latest developments, commentary and lessons learned within head and neck disease. You can register your interest to attend below. Several sessions are available to rewatch online.


DateTitle [Click on the title to register]Speaker(s)Click on the link to rewatch
17 AprSexual Misconduct in SurgeryCarrie Newlands


Passcode: UY3mt*9m

23 May Contemporary Advances in the Management of Early Laryngeal Cancers: Adaptation of Robotics, Combined Optical Imaging and LasersBharat Panuganti


Passcode: y@RAC8VD

27 Jun

Head & Neck Lymphoedema: Impact on function and QoL

Heather Starmer


Passcode: p5ib^rM6

25 JulAdvancements in immno-oncology: The power of T-Cell TherapyTom Holdich


Passcode: j@n1DEZj

19 SepStatins in head & neck cancer: Repurposed drug reduces toxicity and improves survival. What’s the evidence?Nicole Schmitt 
17 Oct Innovation to Impact: Advancing Head and Neck Cancer Nutrition Research to Improve Care and OutcomesMerran Findlay 
DateTitle [Click on the title for Registration / ReWatch]Speaker(s)
22 Mar Personalised Mx of the N0 neck in pts with laryngeal and pharyngeal cancerProf. Vanden Bosch
19 Apr Summary of European neoadjuvent immunotherapy trials - Prospect Of A Cure Without Surgery?Dr. Michel Bila
31 MayLessons from UkraineSir Richard Dearlove
21 JunUse of oncolytic viruses in treating head & neck cancersProf. Harrington
23 AugNeurodevelopment Disorders: From genetics to treatmentsProf. Kind
18 Oct QOMS and risk prediction in head & neck surgeryDr. Tighe
DateTitle | Click the title for our ReWatch serviceSpeaker(s)
13 Apr 2022The future of surgical robotsProf. Vin Paleri
18 May 2022The medical management of ameloblastoma - the BRAF experienceDr Ariel Hirchhorn
Dr Gadi Campino
Dr Marilena Vered
24 Aug 2022Management of facial clefts: the Brazilian experienceDr Fernando Almas
26 Oct 2022Surgery in history: injuries during the Battle of WaterlooDr William Fletcher


DateTitle | Click on the title for our ReWatch serviceSpeaker
26 Jan 2021Advances in the management of ORNDr Vinod Patel
25 Feb 2021Breakthrough in imaging of the parotid glandDr Simon Morley
25 Mar 2021COVID-19 UK audit: When is a tracheostomy an advantage?Mr Nick Hamilton
29 Apr 2021Is neck dissection a failsafe procedure?Ms Soudeh Chegini
27 May 2021Head & Neck sentinel node imaging: 100 consecutive SPECT CT ScansDr Simon Wan
24 Jun 2021

Sentinel Node BIopsy: Theory and Practice

Ms Clare Schilling
29 Jul 2021Revolution in the management of odontogenic lesionsProf. Mark McGurk
26 Aug 2021HNAC BAHNO 2021: AHP and Oncology RecapDr Martin Forster
Lisa Kyle
Kate Glen
Florence Cook
30 Sep 2021Novel technology to promote education transfer in medicineDharmesh Patel
28 Oct 2021Can holograms and modern imaging help the skull base surgeon?Prof. Ghassan Alusi
25 Nov 2021The role of Proton Beam Therapy in Head & NeckDr Anna Thompson

Conversation series

The conversation series concentrates on hot topics in the world of head and neck disease. Our experts from around the world discuss the evidence that guides patient care. Several sessions are available to rewatch online.

06 Apr 2021

The role of ECD vs traditional pariotidectomy

Watch on demand

Prof. Mark McGurk
Prof. H. Iro
Prof. J. Zenk
Prof. V Vander Poorten
Prof. M. Qeur
Prof. O. Guntinas Lichius
06 Jul 2021

How best to manage a N0 neck? SNB vs END

Watch on demand

Clare Schilling
Stephen Lai
Sandro Stockli
Leo Vassalou
Prof. F. Hoelzle
Prof. J. Acero

International webinar

We proudly support collaborative educational events from around the globe. Our international head and neck webinar programme is a collaboration with Project Harar and the Yekatit-12 Medical College (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Some sessions are available on-demand free of charge via Zoom.

31 Mar 2021

Contemporary surgical management of parotid disease

Watch on demand (Passcode: f34V$cX3)

Prof. M McGurkUCL, London
28 Apr 2021

Alternative management of odontogenic lesions in mandible and maxilla

Watch on demand (Passcord: Aldendronic2021@)

Mr V. PatelGSTT, London
26 May 202130 years of experience with the submental flap for facial recon in Europe and AfricaProf. D. MartinMarseille, France
30 Jun 2021Head & Neck Recon following severe burn injuriesMr S. WatsonGlasgow, UK
28 Jul 2021A Decade of Experience with Microvascular Head and Neck Reconstruction in EthiopiaMr K. MizenHull, UK
29 Sep 2021

Premaxillary Setback in Bilateral Cleft Lip: New Perspectives and Protocols

Watch on demand (Beginning is missing)

Dr F. AlmasBrazil
27 Oct 2021Ear reconstructionMr K. StewartEdinburgh
24 Nov 2021Microsurgical Management of NomaMr A. SchmidtGermany

Study days

Our study days are filled with seminars, lectures, and guests. The Head & Neck Academic Centre provides the most informed and specialist knowledge in our designated study days with our global team.

11 Sept 2021: Parotid Surgery

  • 09:00 (BST): Welcome
  • Short lectures with Q&A
  • 11:50: Lunch with sponsors
  • 12:45: Panel Discussion
  • 13:45: Surgical commentary, with Q&A