Managing the Impact of Strike Action on Students
14 February 2022
What to do if strike action has impacted your students
Updates since January 2022:
Staff should note that the Examinations and Assessments Contingency Panel (EACP) is being reconvened to determine whether any adjustments are needed to ensure that students are not unfairly disadvantaged in assessment, and that academic standards and academic integrity are maintained.
Key Resources
If your students have been affected by strike action at UCL, you can make use of the Material Irregularities procedure to help deal with any impact on assessment. You can find this in the following section of the Academic Manual:
The following two annexes are also available and provide further information on managing the impact of strike action:
- Chapter 4: Annex 4.3.6 Covid 19 Boards of Examiners Emergency Procedures
- Chapter 6: Annex 6.6.2 Managing the impact of the industrial action on assessment
For further information please contact