
Student and Registry Services


Important updates/actions – External Examining Activities

16 September 2021

Updates and Key Actions on RtW checks, EE early termination of role and Autumn Boards without dates

***Please refer to the webpage External Examining – Updates section for further information on these 3 updates which are briefly mentioned here*** 

  1. Right to Work (RtW) verification checks  

Required for Taught Programme External Examiners. Please note that the requirements for UG External Examiners and PGT External Examiners are different: 

For UG External Examiners (Confirmation from HR): 

  • Carry out RtW verification checks only at the start of a UG External Examiner’s appointment.  

  • This is a one-off check and lasts for the duration of the 4 year appointment.  

  • Current External Examiners who were re-verified over the summer 2021 will not require further checks.  

  • Latest update from the Government on temporary COVID-19 adjusted check measures states that remote checks will be acceptable up until 5th April 2022.  

  • Different requirements exist for UG External Examiners who are resident in the UK or reside abroad – please use the link above further information provided in EE-Updates section.  

For PGT External Examiners: 

We do not require RtW evidence for PGT External Examiners at all. This means that you are not required to collect this information from your PGT EEs at any point,and should delete or destroy any evidence that you have saved on file. 


  1. External Examiners early termination of role 

***Process change*** 

Please do not complete the Portico reconfirmation of External Examiner appointments task via Portico, instead email (by end of September) examiners@ucl.ac.uk to let us know of any current External Examiners who are ending their 4 year term early (i.e. those External Examiners whose 4 year term includes 2021/22 AY, but who are unexpectedly finishing early. This does not relate to any External Examiners whose term ends AY 2020/21).  

NB: PGT External Examiners complete their duties after the Final Board has met and therefore are still active for the current 2020-21 External Examining session for BoE meetings that occur during the coming Autumn term (2021). There is no need to request an extension for those External Examiners to complete the forthcoming PG BoE meeting, even if this meeting takes place after 31st August 2021. 


  1. Missing Autumn BoE dates 

  • 57 Boards are without Board dates on Portico.  

  • To help Registry teams support you and External Examiners during the Exam Board process, please urgently enter dates using the Board of Examiners data hub task (within the Awards, Assessments and Achievements tab). 

  • If your Board is no longer running and is inactive, please let us know straight away and confirm if the modules and External Examiner will be covered by another Board.

External Examining Team  

For further details please email examinations@ucl.ac.uk