Key updates to the External Examining process
Refer to the updates below for key tasks relating to the External Examining process and any process updates (items covered in the Academic Services Newsletter also).
Right to Work checks for UG External Examiners - Dec 2022 - Important Note: The Government’s requirements changed on 1 October for Right to Work checks and in-person or a Home Office online check is required for all new UG External Examiners in the first year of their appointment. Please refer to the HR guidance on acceptable Right to Work documentation and undertaking these checks.
New Academic Year: Information to send External Examiners - Dec 2022 - Refer to the list of information to send External Examiners at the start of every Academic Year
Confirm staff on Board Data Hub task occupy only one role - Dec 2022 - Please check the correct staff are assigned to Chair, Deputy and Admin roles and that each role is filled by a different person.
External Examiner UCL Credentials (IT, Moodle, AssessmentUCL Access) - Dec 2022 - Board teams can now run a Portico report to retrieve their External Examiner’s UCL credentials required to provide IT/Moodle/AssessmentUCL access
2021/22 Summer Board EE Reports without a Departmental Response: next step for depts - Oct 2022 - Board Chairs task – Departments to now provide an offline response directly to External Examiners where a standard response was not entered on Portico
Autumn and LSA Boards of Examiners - Aug 2022 - All PGT Boards remain virtual and PGT EE in their final year do not require an extension to attend Boards
Updates: External Examiner report form and departmental response - July 2022 - Some changes to the External Examiner report form and how this and your departmental response is reviewed
Updated MS Nomination Form - DL 1 July 2022 for 22-23 AY starters- April 2022 - Submit UG and PGT External Examiner nominee details via recently updated MS Form found in Ch 9, Section 4 of Academic Manual
External Examiners Tenure (Early Termination of role / reconfirmation of role) - If your External Examiner is not continuing to 2022/23 AY please email us ASAP (before beginning of September)
Access to Board of Examiners reports for the previous three years
Overview reporting functionality on Portico for the taught programme external examining process
External Examiners Tenure (reconfirmation of role)
***Process change***
We have previously asked you to use the Portico reconfirmation of External Examiner appointments task to inform us of any External Examiners who are leaving their appointment early. UPDATE to this: Please do not complete this task via Portico, instead email to let us know of any current External Examiners who are ending their 4 year term early (i.e. those External Examiners whose 4 year term includes 2021/22 AY, but who are unexpectedly finishing early. This does not relate to any External Examiners whose term ends AY 2021/22).
Please email us with this information by the beginning of September 2022 at the latest.
NB: PGT External Examiners complete their duties after the Final Board has met and therefore are still active for the current 2021-22 External Examining session for BoE meetings that occur during the coming Autumn term (2022). There is no need to request an extension for those External Examiners to complete the PG BoE meeting, even if this meeting takes place after 31st August 2022.
To nominate new External Examiners please submit details using the MS form to start the process. We no longer process these details if submitted via Email. In order to process and confirm appointments in time before the start of the new Academic Year, please submit new nominee details as soon as possible.
Please refer to Chapter 9, Section 4.1 (Criteria for Appointment) and 4.4.1 (Process of Nomination) of the Academic Manual for further details about the process.
Access to Board of Examiners reports for the previous three years
Final Board of Examiners reports from the past three years can be accessed within the ‘Board of Examiners’ container (within the ‘Awards, Assessments and Achievements’ tab).
Students can access these reports via their ‘My Studies’ Portico page either through ‘Module Assessment’ or ‘Summary of Results and Awards’.
Click to open image in a new tab
Overview reporting functionality on Portico for the taught programme external examining process
There is a feature on Portico which enables colleagues to run a series of overview reports, including one for contact details (CON report); tracking EE nominations (NOM report); module allocations to EE (MOD report) and identifying reports (including which responses have been received and those that are outstanding) for the current examining cycle (REP report).
These reports can be found in the ‘Board of Examiners’ container (within the ‘Awards, Assessments and Achievements’ tab).
Contact details for further information: