
Student and Registry Services


Fairtrade Week 2021

22 February 2021

Fairtrade Week takes place every year from Monday, 22 February until Sunday, 7 March. Working remotely doesn’t need to prevent us from supporting UCL’s commitment to being a Fairtrade University.

Whilst having those online meetings, why not take the opportunity to drink Fairtrade coffee and eat biscuits that invest directly back into the lives of the farmers who are cultivating the products that we are consuming?

Find out how much you know about the history and the farming of chocolate in this quiz.

For those working on campus there are some treats available. Find further information about the Fairtrade Banana Bread Deal – don’t forget to bring along your own sustainable coffee cup. 

Alongside of Fairtrade Week there is 28 Days of Sustainability: Time for a Fairer, Greener Future - a series of  events ranging from virtual talks and workshops, DIY activities and film and reading recommendations.

Do take a look at this 4 week inspiring programme.