
Student and Registry Services


Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) – Update

27 November 2020

Update: Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

We are pleased confirm that work has been completed on the HEAR testing which had delayed the production of HEARs to date and we have now completed the following actions:

  • Registration emails have been sent to 2017 and 2018 undergraduate HEAR eligible students with instructions on how to activate their Gradintel account. 
  • Results and awards (where appropriate) have uploaded to Gradintel for all HEAR eligible students from 2017 and 2018

Registration emails will be sent to undergraduate HEAR eligible students who started their studies in 2019 and 2020 later this year.

At this stage we have concentrated on uploading results. Uploading of non-degree related achievements for students will be completed by the end of term two. We informed students of this in the registration email, however, if you are contacted by students requiring achievements be added as a priority please forward the email to hear@ucl.ac.uk or ask the students to email us directly.

Non-degree related achievements

Please continue to link HEAR eligible students to achievements from 2019 or before if you have not already done so. You can do this in the ‘Achievement Entry’ container which is held within the ‘Awards, Assessments and Achievements’ section of your Portico homepage. If you have issues with accessing the container please contact hear@ucl.ac.uk If you can link students to the achievements by the end of January 2021 they will be recorded in time for the refresh at the end of term two. 

If you have any new achievements you would like creating please send an email to hear@ucl.ac.uk

If you have previously emailed us regarding achievements we will be working through the requests and will let you know once they have been created.

Please also refer to the HEAR webpage for more information. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience whilst we have been working on the required testing and production of the HEARs. 

Student Records

Contact email for further information: hear@ucl.ac.uk