types of book cover in epublishing

COVERS   P-COVER The cover of the printed book. There may further be paperback p-covers, hardback p-covers, trade paper p-covers, etc. “Anybody can do p-covers. They’re not even interactive. BTW, what’s “ink coverage” mean?”     E-COVER PAGE The big splashy first page of an ebook; its primary visual identity. “I accidentally applied the “cover” semantic to the acknowledgments page instead of the e-cover page in Sigil, so now I get to learn TextWrangler! Yay!”     E-COVER GRAPHIC The graphic displayed on the e-cover. (eg, e-cover_graphic.jpg is displayed on e-cover.xhtml.) “Wow, lots of colors in your e-cover graphic! Yeah! Read more

Find PDF Manuals for your Electronics using Amazon

If you are looking to download the user’s manual of an electronic product that you own but it is nowhere to be found on the manufacturer’s website, you might as well try a search on Amazon.com. The site hosts PDF manuals of thousands of electronic products including those of items that have either been discontinued or are no longer available for sale on Amazon.com. The user manuals are primarily hosted on two Amazon servers – images-amazon.com and ssl-images-amazon.com – and here’s how you can find the one you are looking for. Go to Google and type the following query. Replace Read more

Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery (book review)

Want to learn the fundamentals of electronics in a fun, hands-on way? With Make: Electronics, you’ll start working on real projects as soon as you crack open the book. Explore all of the key components and essential principles through a series of fascinating experiments. You’ll build the circuits first, then learn the theory behind them! Build working devices, from simple to complex You’ll start with the basics and then move on to more complicated projects. Go from switching circuits to integrated circuits, and from simple alarms to programmable microcontrollers. Step-by-step instructions and more than 500 full-color photographs and illustrations will Read more