
Safety Services


Safety Training

Safety training is about supporting UCL staff and students in understanding work activity hazards, learning safe work practices and identify the measures in place to mitigate the risk of injury and ill-health. Safety Services provides a comprehensive safety training programme that is available to all staff, post-graduate students and work associates delivered through instructor-led classes and eLearning.


IOSH Managing Safely

Providing essential knowledge and understanding of how to manage health & safety responsibilities in the workplace..  

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Tailored training

Safety training portfolio

The safety training portfolio offers instructor-led, online, virtual and blended training.  

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Safety Training

Tailored training

UCL staff are able to request tailored training if there is a specific need for training that is not covered by Safety Services scheduled courses. 

To request training, you will need to complete the tailored training request form. 

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Mandatory training

Mandatory safety training 

All staff are required to complete "core" safety training when they join UCL, including UCL Fire Safety and Safety Induction but additional safety training applies if you are in a particular role. For example, if you are laboratory-based, undertaking genetic modification work or work with biological agents etc. Your department and line manager will be able to provide clarity around what role-specific mandatory training is relevant to your role.

Mandatory safety training →

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

By assessing risks, we can prevent harm to our staff, students and visitors so it's important that we conduct a good risk assessment. 

Risk assessment training​ →

Training courses

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