Since 2017-18 our scheme has helped researchers secure over £1.3 million in research funding. Some examples are below.
In 2017-18 the Domain’s Social Science Plus Scheme supported a new interdisciplinary collaboration I led between UCL researchers in social science, neuroscience and computer science by funding the Digital Touch Emoticons project (£11,500). The pilot project used methods from these three disciplines to generate a prototype device and explored how affective touch can be digitally-mediated to enhance social communication.
The pilot project funding proved invaluable when it came to forming a new collaboration as a foundation for applying for external funding. Two years on, the original team and additional UCL researchers are collaborating on a new UKRI Interdisciplinary Textiles Circularity Centre which will bring £723K at 100% FEC (£579K at 80% FEC) into UCL. The Centre aims to lessen the environmental impact of clothing in the UK. It will use household waste and used textiles to develop new textiles instead of relying on imported materials. The emission levels caused by the UK’s textiles industry are almost as high as the total CO2 emitted through people using cars for private trips.
Professor Carey Jewitt, Chair (October 2020 to present), UCL Collaborative Social Science Domain, Professor of Learning and Technology, Knowledge Lab, Culture, Communication & Media, Institute of Education. You can read more about this funding success here
Missing links: on the social contagion of child disappearances
Toby Davies and Aiden Sidebottom (Jill Dando Institute, Engineering Sciences) secured over £150K from the Home Office's Science, Technology and Research (STAR) fund to support two further projects.
Children and unsolicited sexual images on Social Media Apps: Developing Better Digital Defences and Literacy
Jessica Ringrose (IOE) secured £16.5K of CI funding as part of an AHRC grant with the University of Leicester.
Digital Touch Emoticons: Development, Effectiveness and Usability
Carey Jewitt's (Knowledge Lab, IOE) pilot project laid the foundation for a new UKRI Interdisciplinary Textiles Circularity Centre that brought £723K into UCL. Find out more about this funding success.
The Implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Victims of Gender-Based Domestic Violence and Abuse (G-IoT)
Leonie Tanczer ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, BEAMS, UCL) secured £80,000 funding from the Home Office Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Research Fund to examine the applicability of the UK Computer Misuse Act 1990 onto cases of technology-enabled domestic violence and abuse. The research team also received: £21,057 via the EPSRC PETRAS PRF funding and £28,000 as part of the £1m ESRC Mental Health Network award with King’s College London.