
UCL Research Domains


What does the Social Science Plus scheme mean by social science?

The Collaborative Social Science Domain does not have a tightly drawn definition of "social scientist" or "social science".  For the purposes of our funding scheme we allow Principal Investigators to self-define.  However, Principal Investigators’ expertise must fall within the remit of the ESRC’s research areas - scroll down the page when you click on this link to see the list of subject areas.

Applicants are asked to provide brief details about their disciplinary and subject expertise as part of their applications.  The requirement for a cross-disciplinary (social and non-social science) research team proposing a genuinely co-created project is central to the Social Science Plus pilot project scheme.

Applicants will need to ask themselves which of them is best placed to be the Principal Investigator for their application, bearing in mind that the Principal Investigator must be able to indicate on the form that they can be defined as a social scientist.  There is scope in our scheme to have two Co-Investigators; one must be a non-social scientist but the other Co-Investigator can come from any discipline.

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