The UCL Research Equipment Catalogue is a searchable database containing information on all UCL’s major research equipment and facilities.
Access the Research Equipment Catalogue
The Research Equipment Catalogue provides an inventory of equipment and facilities at UCL. It is populated with details of over 1500 items from across the university. It aims to maximise the use of equipment, prevent unnecessary expenditure on new equipment where facilities are already available, and encourage equipment sharing and collaboration.
UCL researchers are required to search the catalogue before requesting UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding for new equipment.
Users can view information on each item, such as technical specifications and availability, and use the enquiry form to contact the equipment owner. They can also browse by department, facility and manufacturer or search by keyword. Departments can also use the catalogue to manage and keep track of their equipment.
The catalogue is powered by the open source Kit-Catalogue software, developed by Loughborough University.
Using the catalogue
UCL users can access the full catalogue using their Single Sign-on details.
The Research Equipment Catalogue user guide (pdf) provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the catalogue. Should you have any queries about the catalogue, contact the Research Equipment team at
Some items are publicly visible, enabling equipment to be promoted for external use. Facility and item owners can determine whether their equipment is listed publicly by toggling its visibility using the Item editor tool.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What are the criteria for including items in the catalogue?
Individual departments are free (and encouraged) to add any equipment of lower value which may be available to others, within UCL and beyond. Since the software supports visibility toggling, individual items can be made visible to UCL users only, or to the public, as needed.
- Which items are visible to the public?
Any items that equipment owners want to make accessible to users outside of the UCL community, as fee-charging facilities or for collaborative purposes, can be marked 'public'. These items can be viewed without having to log in to the catalogue.
Information for equipment owners and departmental administrators
- What is the role of an equipment owner?
Equipment owners are those individuals named as primary or secondary contacts on any item or facility listing. They will receive any enquiries made through the catalogue. They can edit all of the details, including access and visibility, for any of their own items, but are not able to add new items - only configured departmental administrators can do this.
- How can I add equipment to the catalogue and who ensures listings are kept up to date?
This should be done via your Departmental Administrator/Divisional Institute Manager. They have overall responsibility for the items in their remit, and for adding new items.
- Are there upper/lower limits on the value of equipment to be listed in the catalogue?
If your department hosts items or facilities that you think could be useful for others, and you are willing to share, speak to your Department Manager in the first instance.
- Can I use the catalogue to assist with equipment maintenance and inventory reports?
Departments can run customisable reports on the items in their department, via the administrative panel in the Kit-Catalogue software. CSV files (Microsoft Excel-compatible spreadsheets) of all equipment data can also be generated.