
Research and Innovation Services


Funder golden rules

Find information on key terms and conditions for UCL's major funders.

Our post-award golden rules highlight the main terms and conditions of UCL’s major funders relating to expenditure and other responsibilities, providing a quick guide for Principal Investigators (PIs) and their delegates.

Golden rules by funder

British Heart Foundation (BHF)

Start of the project


  • The Grant Acceptance Form needs to be completed, signed, and returned to the BHF within 1 month of the dated award letter
  • All grants should commence within 6 months of the date of the award. However, any unavoidable delays should be fully communicated to the BHF in advance. The BHF will not cover any additional costs incurred due to the delay in activation
  • A grant may not commence until all necessary ethical committee approvals have been obtained. Copies of approvals need to be forwarded to the BHF before commencement.

During the project


  • The grantholder needs to obtain written approval from the BHF before appointing and replacing staff funded by the grant. Candidate CVs should be submitted to the BHF with the proposed basic starting salary. This should be at a level no higher than awarded
  • Increases in salaries, other than annual increments and nationally agreed pay awards, will not be met by the BHF
  • The BHF will not fund salaries during a maternity leave period. Contact your Department Manager to discuss internal processes for covering this cost
  • Students should be appointed as per the BHF's stipend rates.


  • Expenditure should be in line with the detailed breakdown provided in the application
  • Office expenses (e.g., desks, chairs, lab furniture, telephones, computer accessories, etc.) and lab clothing are not allowable costs.


  • Equipment should be purchased in line with the application and award letter. The grantholder should obtain the maximum possible discounts
  • Host institutes need to take responsibility for the installation, maintenance, repairs, and insurance costs of the equipment throughout its useful life.

Travel and subsistence

  • Travel should be advanced economy and specifically to carry out the research project. Travel to conferences will be provided separately if applicable
  • Catering is only allowable for refreshments for clinical trial participants. Research/collaborative meeting refreshments need to be met from internal sources.


  • Monies may not be vired between budget headings
  • The BHF does not reimburse publication costs, administrative costs, library facilities, building utilities, insurance or general maintenance costs
  • The BHF does not support no-cost extensions. All work on the grant will need to be completed within the time awarded. Fellowships may be extended if discussed with the BHF in advance.

Grant reporting and Researchfish


  • Grantholders need to submit, once annually, BHF-related grant evaluation data during a defined time period through Researchfish. Data will need to be submitted up to 5 years after the grant closure.

End of the project

Final scientific report

  • The PI will need to submit a scientific final scientific report within 3 months after the actual end date
  • The final claim for reimbursement will be withheld until receipt of the final report.

Further information

Cancer Research UK (CRUK)

Start of the project


  • Acceptance and activation of your project needs to be completed via eGMS
  • Any delay to the start date will need to be formally approved by CRUK. 

During the project


  • Recruitment costs are not an allowable cost to the project unless exceptionally approved on the Grant Award Letter (GAL)
  • Only studentships approved as part of the original application may be charged to the grant budget. The grantholder will need to notify CRUK of the student's details within 30 days of their start date
  • CRUK will not fund the salary of an individual on parental leave. Contact your Department Manager to discuss internal processes for covering this cost. Costs of the staff covering the parental leave are allowable. 

Running expenses

  • Expenses budget may be used for travel and subsistence costs for patients/volunteers but not pay participation costs including prizes or gift vouchers
  • Access fees to equipment are allowable except if the equipment was originally purchased using a CRUK grant
  • Home office license fees and animal handling training are not an allowable cost
  • Shared catering (milk, tea, coffee, etc.), phone/computer accessories, general office furniture, and stationery are not allowable costs. An extension list of allowable costs can be found on the CRUK website.


  • Budgets can only be used to purchase items specified in the GAL
  • Equipment claims need to be submitted within 12 months on eGMS
  • Equipment should be purchased in accordance with UCL’s procurement policy.


  • Please refer to the GAL for any special terms associated with your funding
  • The grant may only be used for costs incurred and items utilised during the period of the grant award
  • Virement between salary and running expenses is allowable as set out in the GAL. However, virement from the equipment budget or any staff post vacant for 6 months or more is not allowable
  • All expenditure needs to be evidenced with a valid invoice or receipt.

Grant reporting and Researchfish


  • Grantholders are required to submit annual reports via Researchfish.

End of the project

Final report

  • A final report and final expenditure statement needs to be submitted no later than 3 months after the end date.

Further information

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

During the project


  • All staff members and their roles need to be listed
  • Maternity, sick pay, and redundancy costs are not eligible costs
  • Studentship costs are not an eligible cost.


  • Expenditure should be in line with the breakdown provided in the application and be specific to the award
  • Office expenses (e.g., desks, chairs, lab furniture, telephones, computer accessories, etc.) are not eligible costs.


  • Any equipment needs to be purchased in accordance with UCL procurement policy in a manner that delivers value for money.
  • Equipment costing more than £5,000 (excluding VAT) is not eligible unless included in the contract under the detailed budget section
  • Purchasing equipment in the last 12 months of a contract is not normally supported
  • Clear justification needs to be provided for purchases as follows:
    • Computers (including the cost of associated software and VAT) above £1000 (or equivalent in local currency) per item
    • Items of equipment valued at £10,000 or more (or equivalent in local currency).

Travel and subsistence

  • Travel should be standard economy and specifically to carry out the research project. Travel to conferences will be provided separately, if applicable
  • Alcohol and tobacco are not allowable subsistence items.


  • For research of up to 5 years, international conference costs can be claimed for:
    • A maximum of 2 individuals to attend one international conference; or 
    • 1 individual to attend two international conferences. 
  • For research beyond 5 years, international conference costs can be claimed for:
    • A maximum of 2 international conference attendances per 5 years; or
    • Part of 5-year research period.

Other direct costs

  • Recruitment costs are not eligible costs
  • General training (e.g. in common IT packages) cannot be claimed against the award. 
  • Studentship costs are not an eligible cost.


  • Variance of 20% or more should be investigated.


  • NIHR reserves the right to reject any unauthorised virements. NIHR approval needs to be sought for, but not limited to, the following cases:
    • Virement of funds > £20k
    • Multiple virements >£20k which exceed £100k in a rolling 12 month period
    • Requests to buy equipment, vehicles, consumables, or install infrastructure not listed in the approved funding research proposal.


  • NIHR will usually only cover costs incurred during the period of the contract. No cost extensions will be considered where they enable completion of formal NIHR-funded training posts following a period of maternity/parental leave
  • No cost extensions to complete dissemination activities may be granted to cover salaries for Low- to Middle-Income Country (LMIC) researchers and support staff where this is required. This need will be identified and discussed with the NIHR Specific Point of Contact (SPOC) at least 12 months before the end of the award.

Dissemination Costs

  • Salary costs cannot be claimed after the award end date for work on dissemination activities
  • Conference attendance for learning and development only is not an eligible dissemination activity and cannot be claimed after the end of the contract
  • Dissemination activities and funds need to be expended within 12 months of the project end date.

Grant reporting


  • NIHR-funded researchers are required to send regular progress reports
  • NIHR will advise on dates or milestones for the submission of progress report. They will also remind you when a report is due.

End of the project

Final scientific report

  • PIs need to submit a final report on the funded research. A draft final report is due within 14 days of the contract completion date
  • Guidance on managing your NIHR funding and reporting requirements is available in the NIHR Research Funding Good Practice Guide.
Royal Society

Start of the project


  • Award holders/UCL need to accept the award and return the Offer Acceptance Letter within 20 days.

During the project


  • Fellows may complete other activities for up to a maximum of 6 hours a week
  • Fellows are entitled to take a full period of maternity, paternity, shared parental and adoptive leave, or extended sick leave in accordance with UCL policy. The Royal Society will increase the value of the award to cover any additional costs. 


  • Equipment should be purchased in accordance with UCL policies which comply with all relevant national and EU legislation
  • Equipment cannot be purchased in the last 6 months of the award without prior written approval from the Society.

Travel and subsistence

  • Awarding of travel costs depends on the scheme so please refer to your award letter
  • Travel costs should be based on the most suitable and economical form of travel
  • Conference attendance reclaimed from the Royal Society should have a direct benefit to the project outcomes. 


  • Only expenditure incurred and utilised during the project duration can be charged and claimed from the Royal Society
  • Funding cannot be vired between budget headings without prior written agreements
  • Any unspent amount will be recovered by the Royal Society
  • General office costs e.g., phone, fax, postage, photocopying, stationery, etc. are not allowable unless specifically justified in the application and awarded
  • Lab coats, protective clothing, gloves, etc. cleaning, waste, and other disposal costs are classed as an overhead and are not allowable.

Grant reporting


  • Depending on the scheme Royal Society may require annual financial and scientific reporting. Please refer to your award letter for further details.

End of the project

Final report

  • Award holders need to submit a final report on the research funder within 3 months of the end date
  • The final financial report needs to be submitted within 3 months of the end date so all expenditure should be charged to your MyFinance project within 2 months of the end date.

Further information

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

Start of the project


  • The start of the grant may be delayed by up to 3 months from the start date shown in the award letter, but the grant duration will remain unchanged
  • The grant may lapse if not started within this period
  • The start date given on the Starting Certificate is regarded as the grant start date. It needs to be submitted within 42 days from the actual start date by Award Services
  • Expenditure may be incurred before the start of research and subsequently charged to the grant provided it does not precede the date of the award letter.

During the project


  • The duration of staff posts is dependent on budgetary constraints. If the number of person-months is not maximised the value of Estates/Indirect Costs for that post may be proportionately reduced
  • Research Fellows will need to be employed for the full duration of their fellowship
  • Recruitment and advertising costs for staff employed on the grant are eligible if included in the original application
  • UKRI will compensate the project at the end of the grant for any additional costs which cannot be met within the budget for paid parental leave (i.e., maternity, paternity, and adoption leave) for staff employed within the Directly Incurred and Exceptions funding headings
  • Directly Incurred staff will need to complete monthly timesheets using the timesheet template if they are not 100% funded on 1 project.


  • Equipment should not be purchased in the last 6 months of the grant unless prior written approval from RCUK has been obtained
  • Procurement of equipment, consumables, and services needs to comply with national and EU legislation and UCL’s procurement policy
  • Equipment purchased over £25,000 will need to be added to UCL’s equipment catalogue and new equipment purchased over £138,000 should be registered on the national database to be discoverable and enable greater sharing.

Ineligible costs

  • General office consumables (e.g., photocopying, printing, stationery, telephone, postage, etc.) are not eligible
  • Alcohol costs are not permitted by UKRI and should not be sought as an eligible cost
  • Costs associated with staff not directly involved in the project are not eligible
  • Protective clothing, gloves, and liquid nitrogen/dry ice are not eligible.

Travel costs

  • All travel costs should evidence value for money as the primary consideration. Consequently, these should only include travel by standard class. UCL's expenses policy should also be adhered to
  • Travel tickets purchased during the project duration for travel dates after the end of the project are not an allowable cost
  • Only the travel costs of staff/students funded from the project are eligible unless approval has been obtained from the UKRI.


  • Transfers of funds between fund headings are permitted only within and between Directly Incurred costs and Exceptions, excluding equipment, which is ring-fenced


  • Extension requests should be made in advance (ideally 3-6 months) of the original award end date
  • Projects may be extended up to 12 months, subject to prior written approval. Requests need to be made via the grant maintenance request option on Je-S.

General information

  • Grants funds are only for a specific research project. Under no circumstances may funds be used to meet costs on any other grant or activity
  • Individual grant conditions can always exist so the award letter and associated documentation should always be reviewed on receipt
  • Relocation costs are only allowable if the individual is named in the proposal
  • Expenditure incurred after the end date of the project is not allowable. This includes items ordered before the end date but not received until after the project's end date and not utilised during the project duration.

End of the project

Financial Expenditure Statement (FES) and research outputs

  • The PI will need to submit research outputs every year and for 5 years after the project has finished. Failure to do so will result in financial sanctions and the PI will lose the ability to apply for further funding
  • The FES is completed by Award Services and needs to be submitted within 3 months of the end date of a grant, so all expenditure should be on the grant account within 2 months of the grant ending.

Further information

UKRI-funded studentships

Start of the project


  • The start of the award may be delayed subject to the written agreement with the relevant Research Council. The grant may lapse if not started within this period
  • The start date given on the Starting Certificate is regarded as the grant start date. This will need to be submitted within 42 days from the actual start date by Award Services
  • Expenditure may be incurred before the start of the award (Doctoral Training Centres) for the stated start-up costs within the proposal, provided it does not precede the date of the award letter. 

During the project


  • The duration of staff/student posts is dependent on budgetary constraints and the request for staff/students made in the original proposal and awarded
  • UKRI will compensate the project at the end of the grant for any additional costs which cannot be met within the budget or Council Training Grant Portfolio held by UCL at the time for paid parental leave (i.e. maternity, paternity, and adoption leave) for students funded by the Training Grant portfolio, or Staff/Fellows charged to the award)
  • Students need to be paid at the UCL minimum rate or above. The UCL maximum rate is the Wellcome level. UCL can decide the level, or stipend and the fee recovery, duration of the studentship, the format (e.g., part-time, industrial, or work placement), and can adjust the number and start of individual studentships within year and between years (where feasible). 

Disabled Student Allowance

  • Students funded by a training grant are eligible for additional support where, because of disability, they are obliged to incur additional expenditure in undertaking their training
  • Students should contact the UCL disability team to have their needs assessed and gain access to funding
  • Once assessed the costs will be met by UCL and then reclaimed annually by the UCL disability team via a grant maintenance request
  • Doctoral Centres and DTP managers should ensure that any partner institutions send their assessment documentation to the UCL disability team to ensure recovery and payment. 

Ineligible costs

  • General office consumables (e.g. photocopying, printing, stationery, telephone, postage etc.) are not eligible costs
  • Costs associated with staff not directly involved in the management of the award are not eligible for recovery from the UKRI Training Grant award
  • Equipment purchased within 6 months of the end of the project without specific funder written approval
  • Food/drink for internal meetings where there is not an agenda/list of attendees for a specific training event for the student body is not an allowable cost. The funder classes anything else as social (e.g., Christmas parties, student networking, supervisor/student meetings, management meetings) and costs should be met from other sources of funding
  • Alcohol costs are not permitted by UKRI and should not be sought as an eligible cost
  • Replacement of UCL or personal property (tablets, phones, laptops, etc.) when damaged or lost is not an allowable cost
  • Travel tickets purchased during the studentship-funded duration for travel dates after the end of the funding are not an allowable cost
  • Supervisor travel and subsistence costs are a UCL cost or can be charged to any non-UKRI sector partner account code (subject to their terms and conditions)
  • Any costs for activity outside of the student-funded dates/or outside of the overall award dates are ineligible for recovery from the funder
  • Equipment maintenance is not an allowable cost on training grants. This includes extended warranties where the equipment was not purchased via this award. Costs related to external examiners or student supervisors are not eligible costs on training grants
  • UCL staff training/conference attendance is not an eligible cost unless specifically awarded in writing by the funder (proposal or grant maintenance request)

Transactions charged to grant

  • All travel costs should evidence value for money as the primary consideration. Consequently, these should only include travel by standard class. UCL's expenses policy should also be adhered to and any alteration to this will need to be agreed upon in advance and documented/retained for audit purposes
  • For costs charged to the financial system, descriptions should be sufficient to ensure that the UKRI can make an informed decision on eligibility.


  • Studentships may be extended for up to a total of 48 training months, subject to prior written approval by the funder. UKRI can revert the studentship to the original funding dates if they are not satisfied with the justification provided in the student details record in Je-S
  • Extension requests to UKRI training grant awards need to be made via the grant maintenance request option in Je-S.

General information

  • Individual grant conditions can always exist so the award letter and associated documentation should always be reviewed on receipt
  • The transfer of funds (virement) between fund headings (20% without funder approval) is permitted excluding DSA which is ring-fenced
  • UCL account codes should be reviewed quarterly and this should be documented in the department/centre and available for audit purposes
  • Departments should ensure that they attach backup documentation (line-by-line) to the IDT/IDJ to support the costs moved into the training grant account codes
  • Student interruptions require the UCL Interruptions spreadsheet to be completed and sent to Award Services. The UKRI Je-S SD record should be updated once this is agreed
  • Any alteration to the proposal/justification of resources should be notified to the funder via a grant maintenance request and agreed upon by UKRI.

To note

  • Any costs not accepted by the funder fall on the host department/centre to absorb
  • In all cases, the description of the cost needs to be clear (e.g., conference/Liverpool/student name) on MyFinance to enable the funder to decide on its viability.

End of the project

Financial Expenditure Statement (FES) and research outputs

  • The PI will need to submit research outputs every year and for 5 years after the award has finished. Failure to do so will result in financial sanctions and the PI will lose the ability to apply for further funding
  • The FES is prepared by Award Services and the host department/centre and needs to be submitted within 3 months of the end date of the award, so all expenditure should be on the UCL grant account within 1 month of the grant ending, including external partner costs. There is an automatic 20% reduction in the overall budget awarded if the FES is submitted outside the expected date
  • Students should be informed during induction that they need to complete Researchfish for outputs (mandatory from year 3 onwards) and that the funding council is informed of the studentship via the UKRI Je-S Student Data Portal (SDP). This should be maintained as changes occur and reviewed by the student for accuracy at least annually. Data for Researchfish is taken from the UKRI Je-S student SDP. 

Further information


Start of the project


  • The award needs to be formally accepted and the project initiated within 12 months of the proposed start date in the award letter
  • The start date can be deferred by up to 12 months, allowing the grant end date to be put back by an equivalent number of months
  • Expenditure should not be charged to the project before the start date.


  • Grants are cash-limited at the point of award
  • A separate allowance for inflation will be calculated and added to the award by Wellcome. The inflation allowance is based on the value of the total costs eligible for the allowance and the duration of the grant.

Flexible Funding Allowance (FFA)

  • An FFA will be provided at the discretion of Wellcome to meet the unanticipated, directly incurred research costs.

During the project


  • The duration of staff posts is dependent on budgetary constraints
  • Budgets unless stated are not individual-specific and may be spent at the grantholder’s discretion
  • Wellcome will supplement grants by the actual costs incurred for an individual’s salary while on maternity, paternity, adoption, or sick leave
  • Recruitment and advertising costs, including interviewee travel, are allowable. 


  • Procurement of equipment will need to comply with national and EU legislation and UCL’s procurement policy
  • Written permission from Wellcome needs to be obtained if the equipment is to be used for any other purpose, including charging, hire, lending, or disposal
  • Use of small and major research facilities so long as costs are calculated on a 'Directly Incurred cost' basis and full evidence of cost charged calculation is obtained.


  • Small-scale transfers between cost headings may be made without the prior agreement of Wellcome. Significant changes need to be discussed with Wellcome. Examples of significant change are major changes to staffing levels, animal usage, or equipment purchases.

Disallowed costs

  • General office costs, e.g., phone, fax, postage, photocopying, stationery, etc. unless specifically justified in the application and awarded
  • Lab coats, protective clothing, gloves, etc., cleaning, waste, and other disposal costs
  • Shared catering (i.e., kettles, coffee machines, teabags, milk, etc). Catering and room hire for staff parties and social events.


  • The PI can request a grant extension but will need to provide a scientific justification.

General information

  • Grants funds are only for a specific research project. Under no circumstances may funds be used to meet costs on any other grant or activity
  • Individual grant conditions can always exist so the award letter and associated documentation should always be reviewed on receipt
  • Expenditure incurred after the end date of the project is not allowable, this includes items ordered before the end date but not received until after the project's end date
  • Research and Innovation Services (RIS) will need to submit an Organisation Spend Report (OSR) to Wellcome quarterly for actual costs incurred.

End of the project

End of Grant Report and Spend Report

  • The PI will need to submit a final scientific End of Grant Report Form within 3 months after the end of the grant
  • RIS will need to submit a Final Expenditure Report (FER) within 3 months of the end of the grant, so all expenditure should be on the grant account within 2 months of the grant end date. Only actual expenditure can be claimed 
  • Wellcome will retain 10% of the awarded value until the End of Grant Report and Spend Report have been submitted and accepted

Further information