
Reading Recovery Europe


Overview of costs

Reading Recovery delivers the best results for children falling seriously behind in literacy. The better use you make of the Reading Recovery teacher, the more you will get from your investment.

Getting started

Like any new initiative in a school, costs are slightly more at the start, but very quickly balance out over the years. The main costs in the first year are employing a teacher and the Initial Professional Development (IPD) course, which can be accessed locally. Employing an already accredited Reading Recovery teacher would provide you with a lower start-up cost.

Your teacher would work individually with the lowest attaining children for a minimum of four half hour lessons per day, plus preparation and follow up time. Fortnightly IPD sessions bring the total equivalent to 0.5 FTE.

You will need to fund:

  • IPD course (£2,940);
  • 0.5 FTE teacher time;
  • Teacher books;
  • Children's books;
  • Magnetic whiteboard and letters.

In the first year the teacher's focus is developing professional expertise in literacy learning and literacy difficulties. Support for lighter touch interventions begins in the third term.

Number of children served in the first year:
Reading Recovery = 8
lighter touch interventions = 8-10

Once qualified

Once your Reading Recovery teacher has completed the IPD course, the costs of the regionally delivered Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course are considerably lower.

In addition the number of children who can be served will be higher as the teacher takes on the wider role of supporting literacy in the school.

You will need to fund:

  • CPD course (£1,144);
  • 0.5 FTE teacher time;
  • Additional children's books.

Your Reading Recovery teacher is now experienced and highly skilled to teach the lowest attaining in Reading Recovery, and to support a wide range of literacy interventions to meet children's differing needs through mentoring, monitoring and quality assurance.

Number of children served annually:
Reading Recovery = 8-10
lighter touch interventions = 8-40.

Image: Philip Meech for Reading Recovery Europe