Selected by the Chief Operating Officer
The nominees for the Leadership Award for Outstanding contribution were nominated by their teams and individuals with the winners selected by Fiona Ryland, UCL Chief Operating Officer.
Although the nominations were not specific to the current pandemic, both winners have shown outstanding leadership in the way they have guided their colleagues and departments over the many hurdles thrown up by coronavirus, to the benefit of UCL and our staff and students.
Winner (Professional Services): Donna Dalrymple
Director of HR Business Partnering, Human Resources
Donna has high levels of compassion and a strong drive for equity and fairness. She is a real champion of our people and has made an outstanding contribution to UCL this year.
Donna conceived the ‘positive action placements’ for BAME staff, which offers development secondments to address blockages in our talent pipeline showing high levels of ownership and vision. Through the ˜Business Partner Summer School' which focussed on shared working and collaboration across UCL, Donna ensured the team were ready to react to the coronavirus outbreak, as Business Partners have helped to co-create our people plans and responses to the fast changing circumstances that we found ourselves in.
Winner (Academic Community): Dewi Lewis
Senior Lecturer & Departmental Tutor, Mathematics Chemistry and Physical Sciences
As Departmental Tutor, Dewi has spearheaded initiatives to improve the student experience. In response to the coronavirus crisis he has gone above and beyond, taking on an exceptional leadership role in Chemistry.
He has led the team to develop and implement an innovative and forward-looking revised assessment schedule for this summer, and has pioneered a new teaching strategy for Chemistry for 20-21 – using virtual teaching to kick-start the Department into implementing a long planned change in teaching provision. Such changes will maintain ongoing student satisfaction in a practical subject like chemistry. This on top of this Dewi is committed to college-wide work supporting widening participation.