
UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy


Designer lighting: a radical approach to improving quantum technologies

The design, prediction and explanation of highly efficient molecules for organic light-emitting diodes and quantum technologies.

My research examines the quantum mechanical motion and structure of small and light particles such as the atoms and electrons in molecules and how physical properties such as absorption and emission spectra can be calculated for them. The research ranges from mathematical methodological development to applications in large multidimensional systems.

Designer lighting: a radical approach to improving quantum technologies
Particular interests include the design of highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes, especially those based on radicals (molecules with one or more unpaired electrons). We also seek to explain the properties of radicals for other optoelectronic systems such as molecular qubits. This includes both the fundamental description of their electronic structure, and deriving design rules to create molecules with particular properties.

My research also examines quantum dynamics and how non-adiabatic processes can be simulated efficiently using classical-like algorithms.


  • Efficient radical-based light-emitting diodes with doublet emission, Ai et al, Nature 563 (2018), 536-540 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0695-9
  • Understanding the luminescent nature of organic radicals for efficient doublet emitters and pure-red lightemitting diodes A Abdurahman, TJH Hele, et al, Nature Materials 19, 1224-1229 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-020-0705-9
  • Singlet and triplet to doublet energy transfer: improving organic light-emitting diodes with radicals, Li et al, Nature Communications 13 2744 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29759-7
  • Church, M. S.; Hele, T. J. H.; Ezra, G. S. and Ananth, N., Nonadiabatic semiclassical dynamics in the mixed quantum-classical initial value representation The Journal of Chemical Physics (2018) 148 102326, ; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5005557