This is an open seminar series organised by the cluster to highlight internal and external research of interest to our staff and students. For further enquiries, please contact the organiser of each event.
October 2015
- Thursday 15th Oct 2015, 5:00pm, JHLT - Professor Tommy (Yung-Chi) Cheng (Yale University, USA). The fourth Frank Fish Memorial Lecture: Potential and challenge of traditional Chinese medicine to meet unmet clinical needs. Organiser: Professor Michael Heinrich.
September 2015
- Thurs 3rd Sept 2015, 2:00pm-3:00pm, Maplethorpe Lecture Theatre (MLT) - Professor Leslie Gunatilaka, (Natural Products Center, University of Arizona, USA). Traditional Medicine Inspired Drug Discovery for Some Modern Day Diseases. Organiser: Professor Michael Heinrich.
January 2015
- Weds 21st Jan 2015, 3:40pm-4:45pm, room M2 - Professor Bruno David (Pierre Fabre Research Institute, Toulouse, France). New paradigms and challenges of natural products drug discovery. Organiser: Dr Jose Prieto.