
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Esta's Research

What does it mean to be “Entrepreneurial”? -  Uncovering the narrow traits constituting entrepreneurial potential

My research focuses on the development and validation of the facet-level traits of the Entrepreneurial Tendencies construct – Narrow Entrepreneurial Tendencies (NET). The notion of Entrepreneurial Tendencies (measured by Measure of Entrepreneurial Tendency and Ability, META; Ahmetoglu, Leutner & Chamorro-Premuzic, 2011) views entrepreneurship as activities related to innovation, recognition and exploitation of opportunities, and creation of value (Ahmetoglu, 2015), providing the operational fundament for distinguishing between more and less entrepreneurial individuals.

Building upon previous established research on META, my research aims to obtain a refined understanding of a) what it means to be entrepreneurial, b) how it predicts entrepreneurial success, c) how to capture entrepreneurial talent in the best possible way, and d) what are the contextual influences on entrepreneurial personality-performance relationship. The practical implication for this research extends to talent acquisition and management, venture performance prediction, and team composition purposes.

Current studies:

    • Narrow Entrepreneurial Tendencies: Exploring the Facet-level Structure of the Entrepreneurial Tendencies Construct
    • The Construct Validity and Criterion-related Validity of the NET
    • How does entrepreneurial leadership relate to innovation? Exploring the mediation role of employee engagement and moderating role of leader narcissism
  •  How far does entrepreneurial personality predict business performances over time? Longitudinal validity and test-retest reliability of the NET.
  • What do entrepreneurial business founders do differently from their less entrepreneurial counter parts at different phases of venture development?