
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Zixuan (Esta) Qi

Zixuan (Esta) Qi

Esta is a PhD Researcher University College London. Her research investigates personality traits in entrepreneurship and psychometric assessments. She is interested in narrow personality traits in terms of the specific behavioural, cognitive, and affective tendencies in entrepreneurship. She seeks to develop theoretical frameworks and data-driven psychometric assessments to understand entrepreneurial personality profiles and how to best capture entrepreneurial talent. Her research has attracted attention from businesses including start-up accelerators. 

She graduated from her MSci in Psychology (2015-2019), Faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL. She has worked as a Research Assistant in UCL’s Business Psychology department working on various projects related to entrepreneurial personality, psychometric assessments, and longitudinal validation studies. She is also a Visiting Scholar at Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School and has published in academic journals with collaborating scholars. 

Esta works as a consultant in developing personality-related psychometric assessments in relation to performance prediction. She helps Coaching and PsychTech companies develop technology-based psychometric assessments used in coaching, strategic development, and recruitment.