
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Information for Masters Offerholders

This information is being provided for students we are expecting to join us to commence study on a Masters programme here at UCL this autumn.

It contains some helpful information about arrangements for the start of the 2020-21 academic session, commonly known as Induction Week.

The Division of Psychology and Language Sciences are continuing to monitor the developments of COVID-19

We want to reassure offer holders that we are doing everything possible to limit the impact on programmes commencing in September 2020. For more information, please keep checking UCL's Coronavirus FAQ page, in particular section 8: "Advice for prospective students"

Useful resources

Welcome to the UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences.

We look forward to welcoming you in September. If you require any further information in the meantime, please contact the teaching administrator looking after your programmes:

ProgrammeNameEmail address
MA LinguisticsStefanie Anyadipals.lingteachingoffice@ucl.ac.uk
MA Linguistics specialisationStefanie Anyadipals.lingteachingoffice@ucl.ac.uk
MSc Behaviour ChangeLucas Michautl.michaut@ucl.ac.uk
MSc Speech & Language SciencesAnna Caseymsc-sls-admin@pals.ucl.ac.uk

Please consult these very helpful resources too: 

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Pre-enrolment and enrolment

You can find details of the 2020-21 UCL Term dates online. In order to enrol as a student, you will need to have completed the pre-enrolment exercise online - you will be sent an e-mail from UCL Student and Registry Services by the end of August, but only if you:

  1. hold an unconditional offer which you have
  2. accepted by returning the offer reply pro-forma to the college Admissions Office (or by accepting the offer via the online admissions portal).

The e-mail will contain a user ID and a token, which you can use to set up your password by visiting the Online User Registration (OUR) service. Pre-enrolling will help you to:

  • check and update key personal information on your student record
  • ensure that all details regarding your programme or course fees are correct
  • accept UCL’s academic and financial regulations, plus the Data Protection statement 
  • pay your fees prior to your arrival or confirm any sponsorship arrangements

For more details visit the UCL Enrolment for New Students web page.

Once you have pre-enrolled you will be sent an e-mail from the Student Centre with information on completing formal enrolment, including the documentation required.

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Module selection and enrolment

Once you have enrolled, you will be able to register on your modules, further details are available on UCLs Student Status page. We advise that you wait until you have meet your programme directors in the first week of term and received advice on module selection.

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Information for non-UK students

It is recommended that students from overseas participate in the orientation course in the week before the start of term. For more information visit UCLs International Student Orientation Programme page.

Please note enrolment will take place during this time for international students.

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Visa information

For information on student visas, please see the UCL Immigration and Visas web page. You can obtain further advice from teh UCL Student Visa Team and you can email them, citing your student ID number, if you have any queries in this regard.

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Introductory session (by programme)

The programme-specific induction sessions will be an opportunity to meet your Programme Director and others in the programme team as well as your fellow students. You will also receive further information and material about your specific programme of study. There will be other workshops in the first week and you will receive further information about these (plus your teaching timetable and Programme Handbooks etc.) in these sessions. 

Please note it is essential that you attend your introductory session where possible - important information will be distributed in these sessions so students who don’t may be severely disadvantaged.

If in any doubt as to the date and time of your first session please contact the teaching administrator for your programme, listed above. 

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UCL Library

Your UCL ID card gives you access to all UCL Libraries and their collection of books, journals and DVDs – with friendly staff to help you! You also have access to a wide range of online resources, including ebooks, ejournals, databases and data collections.

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Information systems introductory sessions

Information Systems (IS) student induction sessions will be available to cover the following topics:

  • How to register for central UCL computing services
  • UCL email and cluster rooms
  • Printing and Portico access
  • Network access in Halls and through Roamnet
  • Helpdesk and Training
  • e-learning opportunities

For more information visit UCLs central IT services web page.

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Being a student representative

Want to represent your peers and make a difference? There are three different ways to do this.

  • Be a Course representative to share views of your peers and work with staff in your Department
  • Be a Lead Department representative to coordinate with Course Representatives, co-chair staff-student meetings in your Department, and attend Faculty-level meetings
  • Be a Faculty representative to coordinate with Lead Department reps, work closely with senior Faculty staff, and influence Faculty level strategy

Representatives are elected through October - speak to your programme administrator to get involved.

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Deferring your start date

If you don't intend to join us after all or want to postpone your start date until September 2021, please let us know. You may do this by sending an e-mail requesting a 'deferral' to the UCL Admissions Office via e-mail: postgraduate-admissions@ucl.ac.uk. Please include your student  ID number in all correspondence.

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