Earth from Space: A southern summer bloom (ESA from: HiRISE, HRSC and MOLA map composite over part of Gale Crater, the landing site of the upcoming NASA MSL Curiosity mission Balloon-borne fluorescent imaging platform, developed under the EU-FP7 ProViScout project. AATSR stereo-matched cloud top heights over Baring Straits [Muller and Fisher, 2010] 50m HRSC DTM and orthoimage mosaic of Iani Valles created in the imaging group [Warner, Muller and Gupter, 2009]. 3D display system used in the Imaging group: High quality passive stereo display from Planar (Left) and GeoWall stereo projector for multiple viewers (Right) AATSR false colour composites of the nadir and forward together with corresponding stereo-matched smoke, cloud and ground heights [Muller, Fisher and Yerchov, 2010]. True colour image of an algal bloom spreading in the Baltic Sea on 27-07-2008 derived from MERIS (left), Chlorophyll-a fluorescence image of phytoplankton retrieved using the BEAM FLH algorithm (right).