'A New Climate: Why we need to act, and what we need to do'. Professor Hugh Montgomery
12 September 2023
Recording below from the Division of Medicine Sustainability Seminar held at the Rayne Institute on Tuesday 12 September 2023, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
To start the academic year, Hugh Montgomery presented a special divisional seminar on sustainability at the Division of Medicine Rayne Institute.
It can have escaped nobody's notice that weather in the last 3 years has been increasingly extreme. UCL is acting, and the MRC has announced its goal to cut emissions by 50% by 2030. But is this enough? What can- and should- we all do?
Hugh is a consultant Intensivist at the Whitington Hospital, & is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at UCL where he also directs the Centre for Human Health & Performance. He’s published nearly 600 scientific research articles & has won >8 (inter)national awards.
In terms of climate, Hugh co-chaired the two Lancet Commissions on Human Health & Climate Change, & now the 5-year, 42-country Lancet Countdown on Health & Climate Change. He’s written & lectured extensively on the subject; has briefed policymakers (inter)nationally; & co-founded the UCL MSc module on climate & health. He was appointed London Leader by Greater London Authority’s Sustainable Development Commission; has attended many of the international ‘COP’ negotiations; leads the children’s climate education ‘Project Genie’; co-led the ITV documentary on Floods and Climate Change (2020); and founded the non-profit 'Real Zero'. to help deliver action. He was awarded the OBE in 2022 in part for his work on climate change and health.
- UCL Profile Hugh Montgomery
- MSc Global Health, Climate Change and Health Module
- UCL 2034: a 20-year strategy for UCL