Update to Statement against Gender Based Violence - injection and drink spiking
27 October 2021

Dear Students,
The welfare and safety of our students is one of our topmost priorities and we are deeply concerned by the recent reports of injection and drink spiking across London and the UK. We encourage all students to be alert to such behaviours and to ensure the wellbeing of your fellow colleagues.
We are supportive of robust measures to try and prevent this crime and to allow all individuals to go out without the threat of abuse or violence. You will be aware that there is a national demonstration today, 27th October, and in London on 5th November, in the form of a boycott of clubs and bars which you may wish to join.
Below, we have provided a list of resources both within UCL and wider in the community for students to access, including support for those affected by GBV. Specifically, within UCL, help and advice can be found from the Student Support and Wellbeing services, Student Union and from the Medical School Support services and Raising Concerns.
At the Medical School, we remain committed to our work on preventing GBV.
Best wishes,
MBBS Senior Leadership team in conjunction with the EDI Advisory Group
- London night in London
- UCL Students' Union- Drink Spiking in London
- UCL Medical School's Strategic Plan on Misogyny and GBV
Support services
- Rape Crisis
- Survivors UK- male rape and sexual abuse
- UCLMS Raising Concerns
- UCLMS Student support Services
- UCL Student Support and Wellbeing
- UCL Report & Support