Assessment design

Assessment underpins the very heart of learning. We'll help you design and deliver high-quality assessments to establish your position as a trusted medical education provider.

Every medical learning institution needs high-quality, trustworthy, repeatable, and relevant assessment systems. These assessments not only direct the direction of your syllabus; they also act as important evidence that students and clinicians have met recognised standards.

It is vital to get this right, and we are here to help.

Why choose UCL CIMEC?

We offer a range of assessment design services, from reviewing your existing assessments to a full tailored assessment design.

We have been educating doctors since 1834, so we have almost 200 years' experience of setting rigorous assessment procedures and evolving them over time.

This contributes to our position as a global top-10 Medical School.

What we offer

Our assessment design services include:

  • Review of your existing assessments and mechanisms
  • Evaluation against national, global, and regulatory requirements
  • Recommending technology to improve your assessments
  • Improving your assessment principles and procedures
  • Designing new bespoke assessment plans.
A visiting delegate from Chublabhorn, Thailand
Visiting delegates from Chublabhorn, Thailand, sat around a conference table
Our expertise

Publishing with our partners

Working with our partners in Thailand, we shared our approach to developing an innovative new system of learning and assessment that draws on local Thai culture and traditions in the Medical Education journal.

View the paper

Our work with Chulabhorn Royal Academy

Since 2017, we have been working with the Chulabhorn Royal Academy (CRA) to help establish a brand-new medical school in Bangkok, Thailand. The project is sponsored by Her Royal Highness, Princess Srisavangavadhana.

Working in close partnership with a team of local Thai educators and clinicians, we drew on the principles of the UCL MBBS assessment approach, but we adapted materials when necessary to ensure an appropriate fit to the Thai context.

Mindful of the local regulatory and educational norms, we co-developed an assessment approach that was based on medical education research and international best practice. A team of external examiners from UCL help to ensure the assessments remain at the highest standards.


Members of the CIMEC team with visiting delegates from Chulaborn Royal Academy

I learned a lot from working with the UCL team, especially on the assessment aspect. I feel like I can work confidently knowing that I have great support that I can turn to whenever I need it. We have been working together for four years, and it has been a really wonderful experience.

Logo image of Chulaborn Royal Academy

Asst. Prof. Woranich Hinthong

Assessment Lead and Assistant Dean for Education & International Affairs, Chulabhorn Royal Academy

News and impact

UCLMS with delegates from HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science

UCL Medical School consults on undergraduate programme for future Thai doctors

UCLMS collaborated with Princess Srisavangavadhana College of Medicine on a new undergraduate medical programme.

Professor Dr Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol of Thailand and delegates at UCL Medical School

UCL Medical School welcomes Thailand’s HRH Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol

This visit marks the completion of a jointly-developed medical education initiative designed to deliver high quality training to Thai doctors.

UCL Medical School and delegates from the Thai Medical School Executive Group at UCL in London

Sharing Global Perspectives on Medical Education

In June 2019, we welcomed the Thai Medical School Executive (MSE) group, formed of 42 senior leaders in medical education, to UCL.

Get in touch to discuss your needs

We are keen to hear from you and to work together to help you solve your medical education requirements.

Please send us an email to get started.

Two Medical School team staff in conversation
The UCL Centre for International Medical Education Collaborations