Practical guides on PPI
Guides from the organisation INVOLVE
'Involving the public in NHS, public health, and social care research: Briefing notes for researchers' (2004). Lengthy publication but with practical checklists on running committees, patient panels and other activities
'Payment for involvement' (2010). Detailed guide to paying patients and the public for their involvement, covering tax, national insurance and employment law issues
'Public Information Pack (PIP): How to get actively involved in NHS, public health and social care research' (2009). Four-volume pack aimed at patients and the public but useful for researchers to adapt to meet their own needs, especially the jargon buster
'Public involvement in research grant applications. Guidelines for researchers' (2006). Includes simple tips on identifying members of the public to get involved and ways of involving them
Other guides to PPI
'The Participation Toolkit: supporting Patient Focus and Public Involvement in NHS Scotland' Scotthish Health Council. Includes practical tips on running a focus group and other activities
'The James Lind Alliance Guidebook' James Lind Alliance (2011). Step-by-step guide to priority setting partnerships, where patients and clinicians work together to identify and prioritise treatment uncertainties for research
'Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research groups. Guidance for Chairs' TwoCan Associatates for the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (2010). Short, practical tips on chairing meetings involving patient/public members
'The engaging researcher. Inspiring people to engage with our research' Vitae (2010). Colourful, 20-page guide to public engagement including case studies and practical advice