UCLH and UCL researchers awarded prestigious Senior Investigator award
15 March 2024
Congratulations to four researchers at UCLH and UCL who have been appointed or re-appointed as National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Senior Investigators in the NIHR’s 2024 round of awards.
Senior Investigators are among the most prominent and prestigious researchers funded by the NIHR and the most outstanding leaders of patient and people-based research within the NIHR research community.
New appointments in 2024 include Professor David Werring, who is consultant neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), and Professor Mark Peters (UCL Institute of Child Health).
Re-appointments include Professor Simon Mead, who is consultant neurologist and clinical lead of the UK National Prion Clinic based at the NHNN, and Professor Helen Cross (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health).
Senior Investigator awards are 4 years in duration. Awardees receive £20,000 a year to fund activities that support their research. They are expected to:
- contribute significantly to NIHR as a senior leader
- lead the training and development of NIHR’s people
- be NIHR ambassadors
- demonstrate research excellence
- contribute to national growth
- champion the integration of Patient and Public Involvement in research
Read details of all NIHR Senior Investigator awards in 2024.