Update for UCLH policy on patient consent for research participation
20 January 2020
UCLH has an updated policy on obtaining patients’ consent to take part in research.
The policy – which includes all the requirements necessary to obtain legally valid informed consent for potential research participants at UCLH – has been updated to include information on consent for DNA analysis to supplement human tissue research guidance.
It also now includes a summary of electronic methods for seeking informed consent to reflect guidance from the HRA and MHRA.
And a section has been added on the use of Epic, UCLH’s electronic healthcare records system, to document the informed consent process.
The policy has been in effect since 13 January 2020.
For questions on the policy, contact Mona Hassan, JRO Research Quality & Safety Manager (mona.hassan1@nhs.net) or Arti Kara, JRO Research Audit & Quality Officer (arti.kara@nhs.net)