Study aims to understand Covid-19 in elderly people
22 April 2020
Hundreds of Camden residents are taking part in a study that aims to increase understanding of Covid-19 in elderly people, thereby contributing to the development of a vaccine.
The study has been featured in the Ham & High newspaper. Click to read the full article.
Researchers will track the effects of Covid-19 in older people, in hopes that the study could help doctors determine from patients’ blood whether the virus would make them seriously ill, before they ever contracted it.
UCL and UCLH’s Dr Daniel Davis, who is leading the study, told the Ham & High: “We are absolutely trying to feed into the very first wave of all the vaccine development.
“Our study is unique because there are no other samples that are tracking pre-infection in older people specifically. Our results will be widely used and will be widely needed.
“Each person who we are able to get a blood sample from is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle. We are continuing to sign people up every day.
“We think that the answer is in the bloods. We think we can find predictive markers; a signal in your blood today that will predict, when you next see covid-19, are you potentially going to just clear it, or will your blood be one of those that falls down?”
Dr Davis is working with Professor Michael Levin from Imperial College’s Department of Infectious Disease.