Apply now - Francis Crick Institute fellowships
1 March 2016
Trainee doctors can now apply for clinical training fellowships at the Francis Crick Institute.
The aim of the initiative is to recruit promising trainee doctors to a one-year fellowship and support them in undertaking research training in experimental medicine.
There are seven research areas offered. Click here to view the projects and supervisors on the Crick website.
For more information including how to apply visit the Crick website.
See below the following deadlines:
- Deadline for applicants to express interest to supervisory teams: 18 March 2016
- Deadline for supervisory teams to endorse one applicant: 24 March 2016
- Application deadline: 5pm, Friday 1 April 2016
- Shortlisted candidates invited to interview: mid-April 2016
- Interviews: Thursday 5 May 2016