From 31 March all research applications to come under HRA approval
26 February 2016
Researchers are reminded that as of 31 March all research applications (with the exception of studies being undertaken solely for educational purposes) will come under HRA approval.
Researchers with Site Specific Information (SSI) form submissions still pending must make contact with their JRO portfolio coordinator immediately.
If researchers do not have a portfolio coordinator they should contact Tabitha Kavoi on; Suzanne Emerton on or the UCLH Research and Development team on or 0203 447 5696 as soon as possible.
SSI forms used in studies processed by the pre-HRA approval systems that are submitted before 31 March will continue to be processed using the pre-HRA approval systems and NHS permission will be issued by participating NHS organisations.
For studies being processed through the National Institute for Health Research Coordinated System for gaining NHS Permission (NIHR CSP) the last submission date for SSI forms may be earlier than 31 March - the NIHR Clinical Research Network has yet to publish a deadline.
Researchers with applications currently going through the pre-HRA approval systems to gain NHS permission are advised to proceed as quickly as possible to submit SSI forms for sites already named on Part C of their R&D form application.
Applicants will need to provide the HRA with a set of the current study documents and template documents required for HRA Approval studies. To read more visit the HRA website.
The JRO is holding drop in sessions to answer any queries at Maple House, Suite 1B at the following times:
- 10.30am-12pm, Tuesday 1 March
- 9-11am, Thursday 3 March
- 10.30am-12pm, Tuesday 8 March
- 10am-12pm, Thursday 10 March