Register now - March public involvement workshops
20 February 2014
Throughout March a range of patient, carer and public engagement and development opportunities will be provided across the clinical and academic workforce in the UCLPartners' Academic Health Science Centre partnership.
A rolling series of short sessions and half-day workshops will be run around key themes identified within the patient, carer and public involvement evidence base as most helpful to researchers.
The programme will be delivered as:
- Setting up and running a patient group to develop patient, carer and public involvement in research
- Developing communication techniques to support patient, carer and public involvement in research
- Role of patient, carer and public involvement in research
- Patient, carer and public involvement in early stage clinical laboratory research
- Involving 'hard to reach' communities in research
- Communicating research to the lay person.
Day sessions:
- Introduction to patient, carer and public involvement for researchers
- Taking patient, carer and public involvement one step further - collaborating with lay people, the lay person as a co-applicant.
Post-training materials and support:
- Case studies and guides to practical tips and tools for involvement
- Details of points of contacts, support services and web-based resources available to assist researchers.
The sessions/workshops will be free to attend at conveniently placed venues within W1 and WC1.
Dates and venues will be confirmed after Tuesday 25 February 2014. To register your interest contact Madeleine Stewart, Communications & PPI Officer