Research integrity concordat event
12 September 2013
A seminar will take place at UCL this October to enable discussion about the HEFCE concordat to support research integrity.
This formal agreement sets out five commitments to Government, the wider public and the international community that high standards of rigour and integrity will underpin research in the UK.
Universities are required to report on its implementation. This event will provide opportunity for discussion of research integrity and its dilemmas, first through a number of case studies facilitated by the Chief Executive of UK Research Integrity Office. This will be followed by an opportunity to discuss how best to implement a research integrity agenda within SLMS. Chairs on the day will be Professor Graham Hart and Sir John Tooke.
Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, so book as soon as possible by visiting the Eventbrite page.
Where and when?
28 October 2013, 2-5pm
Haldane Room, Wilkins Building, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
For further information contact Dr Susan Kerrison