New decision tools for researchers
23 May 2013
The HRA (Health Research Authority) has launched two decision tools to help researchers determine whether their project would be managed as research within the NHS and whether it would require review by an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC).
The tools are compatible with existing guidance and are designed to get researchers to a decision as simply as possible.
Where researchers are uncertain about their responses or are unsure of the decision they have reached then there is support through NHS R&D offices and the National Research Ethics Service, including the email NRES Queries Line.
Development of these tools was completed in consultation with trial managers from across the UK and researchers that had a range of research interests as well as NHS R&D.
Dr Janet Wisely, Chief Executive of the HRA said "These decision tools will both simplify and improve the advice we give. They provide clear decisions for most studies, giving researchers something they can rely on - we know that one thing researchers want is authoritative sources of advice in accessible formats. These decision tools with the launch of a new website for the HRA later in the summer will go a significant way in meeting this need."
To access both of these tools visit the News and Announcements page on the HRA website.