Next UCL Awards for Enterprise
17 April 2013
UCL will recognise the accomplishments of its most innovative and entrepreneurial academics and students at the UCL Awards for Enterprise on Tuesday 14 May.
The ceremony will be held at the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre where a new generation of enterprise will be honoured and UCL highlighted as a leading hub of innovation and commercial activity.
This is the sixth annual UCL Awards for Enterprise, facilitated by UCL Enterprise which provides UCL's structures for engaging with business for commercial and societal benefit.
Where and when?
Tuesday 14 May 2013, 6.15pm onwards
UCL Bloomsbury Theatre
15 Gordon Street
London WC1 0AH
To register a place click here. Please note places for UCL students have now sold out.
Find out more about the UCL Awards for Enterprise 2013 by visiting the UCL Enterprise webpage.