Blog written by Stuart Braverman, Research Data and Information Manager
My role involves establishing systems and processes to track the JRO’s performance against key performance indicators. While the basic metrics are quite crude (for example turnaround times and number of participants recruited into research studies), the work takes place within a complex infrastructure. I report on our performance against these key metrics both formally (e.g. to the clinical research board and research and innovation committee) and informally (e.g. ad hoc reports to stakeholders

From a strategic perspective, I look to streamline systems and processes and to consider how we can utilise technologies to facilitate visibility of our performance (e.g. Power BI dashboards).
I began working at UCLH in 2009 as a portfolio officer, reviewing research applications and coordinating them through the NHS permissions / decision to deliver process. I took up the research data and information manager role in 2012, following a departmental restructure. The role has since grown in scope, given the growing importance of quality data and reporting systems.
Between 2017 and 2019 I was seconded into the role of clinical systems builder for Epic, where I supported build of the Epic research and ambulatory modules, with a particular interest in Research Informatics, including the use of the programming language SQL to extract data from Epic. This remains a particular interest of mine.
My biggest achievement is that I established an operational process to extract participant information from Epic and to import it in EDGE, in order to satisfy reporting requirements. To do this I use my skills with SQL to run and modify queries. I gain personal satisfaction from this and it has served the JRO well since Epic went live.
I have had the privilege of working with the Patient and Public involvement team, supporting a research study into diversity of research participants vs those receiving clinical care. This has given me invaluable experience of working as part of a research team and the vision is to publish the paper. I feel I am making a difference to supporting the NIHR research diversity agenda.
Whilst in the role I have completed two funded apprenticeships – a level 5 operations/department manager apprenticeship and a level 4 data analytics apprenticeship. These have been fantastic in terms of enhancing my skills.
To succeed in the role, an understanding of the bigger picture is critical, as the role involves designing data tracking systems that take account of the overall position, as well as the positions and roles of the various contributory stakeholders.
An appreciation of the components of data quality (completeness, uniqueness, timeliness, validity, accuracy, consistency) are key. Without these the reports will be undermined and will not provide the actionable insights needed.
Advanced IT skills are a must – especially the ability to work with MS Excel and Power BI.
Above all, resilience and an ability to meet deadlines are critical, as well as the flexibility to adapt at short notice to changing circumstances.
One thing people may not know about me is that I'm a keen piano player. My first job was playing the piano in a local shopping mall!