
Information Services Division


Security Tokens

IDHS uses Dual Factor Authentication for the Applications & Data Portal to access and handle data transferred into the IDHS service.

What are Security Tokens?

When UCL Researchers logon to the Applications & Data Portal, they have to provide two forms of authentication:

  • IDHS username and Password and
  • Security token that auto generates every 60 seconds

There are two types of Tokens:

  • Soft Tokens – Where tokens can be downloaded and used from mobile devices.
  • Hard Tokens – These are physical devices.

Security Token setup:

When you logon to the IDHS for the first time, part of the process is "token setup" where a user will be guided through the process till initial logon.

Security Token Management:

Management of tokens is done via the Security and Tokens Portal. Includes:

  • Setting up for "Questions & Answers" for In Case of Emergency (ICE) logon.
  • Generating one time Emergency Tokens for use to log onto the Applications & Data portal.

Lost tokens:

Provided that Questions & Answers have been set up, use Security and Tokens Portal to log on using the ICE steps. Once logged on:

  • Report Lost token
  • Generate one time use Emergency Token
  • Log onto the Applications & Data Portal using IDHS Credentials and Emergency Token

For information about security tokens:

View the IDHS Data Handling pack and view User FAQs