This page offers guidance on web-based content such as Drupal sites, other websites, wikis and blogs. We also point to resources for making social media content more accessible.
Drupal websites
Web accessibility is the inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all users have equal access to information and functionality.
However, as Drupal content editors observing the following guidance will ensure you raise the baseline accessibility of your content. For further guidance and training please visit the ISD Drupal Training and Support pages.
Other web accessibility guidance
- The UCL Design System (VPN required) is founded on accessible content design.
- View the LinkedIn Learning course Accessibility for Web Design.
- WebAIM also offer excellent easy-to-digest guidance on making web pages accessible.
Wikis provide a simple, intuitive way of creating group-authored webpages, such as Wikipedia-style repositories of knowledge. The UCL Wiki provides a wide range of information for different services across UCL e.g. Moodle. It is a Confluence-based platform.
The Guide to the UCL Wiki provides links to resources to help you use the wiki. In addition, the Confluence Support website provides additional guidance on creating pages and blogs.
When adding content to or amending content on a wiki, the same principles should be applied as for websites.
UCL has two centrally provided blogging services.
UCL Reflect provides students and staff with a blogging platform for teaching and learning purposes. Reflect is UCL's branding of the WordPress-based platform hosted by, and called, CampusPress.
UCL Blogs is the blogging service for UCL departments, research groups, centres and other bodies, but it is not a blogging service for personal use. It is a WordPress-based platform and is hosted for UCL by CampusPress/Edublogs. A Quick Guide has been produced on how to customise a UCL Blogs blog.
Whether you are working on a UCL Blogs blog or a Reflect blog, WordPress has produced a Handbook which will guide you through how to make it more accessible. A good first step is to select an accessibility ready theme. It should be noted that not all WordPress themes are available in Reflect.
For more information about accessibility and WordPress you may wish to view the LinkedIn Learning course WordPress: Accessibility.
Social Media
UCL's Social Media Guide includes a section on accessibility in the Guidelines for staff (UCL login required).
Further resources
The East London Inclusive Enterprise Zone has produced a very comprehensive Social Communications Guide that includes advice on social media platforms, blogging, infographics, emoticons/emojis, multimedia, live events, writing inclusive content and much more.
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