This page will provide you with logon links to ISDs main IT applications. The page is grouped by task area. To request updates to this page, please raise a ticket with MyServices.
Alumni relations
UCL's Advancement team encompasses the alumni relations team, which uses MySupporters to manage alumni relationships, including donations and giving.
- MySupporters
Alumni relationships management tool. For use by UCL Advancement team only.
Document management
Document management underpins many of our core services including MyFinance, MyHR, and SITS. The main service, Documentum (EDRM) is supported by ISDs Records & Workflow team.
- Documentum (EDRM)
Documentum (EDRM) is UCL's enterprise document management service.
Financial processing
UCL's Finance teams handle financial processes including spending money, receiving money, and reporting. These processes are primarily supported by the MyFinance, Worktribe, and Axiom systems.
- MyFinance
Oracle eBusiness Suite based finance applications including the modules : Account Payable (AP), Accounts Receivable (AR), General Ledger (GL), Grants Accounting, iProcurement, iExpenses, and Advanced Collections (AC)
- Axiom
Finance reporting tool used by central finance and departmental finance officers. Integrates with MyFinance and SITS Student Accounting Module (SAM)
Human Resource administration
UCL's Human Resource department supports UCL and UCL's people. The main HR systems are MyHR and Talentlink.
- MyHR
Core HR system for staff records, payroll, absence management, and pension services. Based on the Oracle eBusiness Suite (EBS) platform)
- Talentlink
HR Recruitment system that improves the way UCL attracts, recruits, and retains internal and external talent. TalentLink is a SaaS solution provided by CornerStone that delivers a simplified and seamless permanent recruitment process. Talentlink interfaces with MyHR
- MyLearning (LearnUpon)
Staff learning portal, including all mandatory staff training
- Immigo
Request a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) for staff needing a visa, as per the HR CoS advice. To request access to Immigo, raise a request with
ISD's identity teams manage a number of systems that help UCL manage people's identities. The key systems are MyAccount, the Services System, and UPI
- MyAccount
Account management service for password changes and resets. Used by all staff and students. Best used with phone number and email registration
- Services System
Enables Departmental Administrators and other departmental staff to request and revoke access to UCL services (eg. computer accounts, library services, telephone services) for members of their department including staff, visitors and, where appropriate, students
- UPI / UCL Directory
Unique Person Indicator. In house system to maintain a unique number for each unique person that maintains a relationship with UCL. Find UPI can be used by end users to search for a person's UPI number. This is done via the UCL Directory (logged on users only).
- Computer reps tool
Displays registered UCL Computer Reps and allows Reps to view details of their users' accounts.
Facilities management
Estates and Facilities manage a number of building and logistic related services and their website is a great starting point to access their services. Those services supported by ISD include MyCampus, CMIS (room booking), and RiskNet.
Online room booking services are provided by CMIS Go (web portal) and CMIS (client application). This system enables all staff and other registered users to book and view UCL's centrally-bookable space
- MyCampus
Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) for estates management. MyCampus is UCL’s portal for managing support requests. Use this page to raise service requests for maintenance, repair, cleaning, setting up for an event, or moving. You can also view UCL's Buildings Register via MyCampus.
- RiskNet
Cloud hosted RiskNet service, used by UCL Estates for Incident management and Health and Safety
- Building Access Request System
Managing ID card access settings
The library runs a number of systems to allow students and staff to acces their services. These include Explore (ExLibris Primo) and PRMS
- Explore (ExLibris Primo)
Front end tool for students and library services staff to access and manage library resources including borrowing and electronic resources
- Physical Records Management System
The Physical Records Management System (PRMS) replaces the Records Office System (ROS). PRMS is a part of Documentum. Contact to get access.
Student teaching and support
Management and support of our students
- Moodle
Online teaching and learning environment. Moodle has a wide range of tools to support learning and teaching, including: share resources (documents, handouts, readings), support communication (forums, chat, blog, wiki), enable groupwork (wiki, database, forums, glossary), support assessment (feedback, grades, assignments (including Turnitin) and quizzes), manage administration (groups, calendar, usage reports, gradebook, questionnaire).
- Portico
Student information system comprised of SITS client for student services and registry staff and Portico e-Vision front end for general staff and student access
- Module Catalogue
Summary of all modules running at UCL
- Timetabling
Timetabling support is provided through Timetable creation is done on CMIS, which is a desktop client application. Email to get a user account and download the application. UCL's online timetable enables students and stuff to view their personalised timetable
- RegisterUCL (SEATS)
Captures and maintains a log of student attendance at teaching and learning events, student engagement with coursework/tutor meetings, and student performance/progress activity. Interfaces with CMIS and Portico
- Student Psychological Services
Student Psychological Services help and counselling assistance for students
The Student Triage and Referral Tool is a digital tool for any UCL staff member worried about the wellbeing of a current UCL student. It is run by the support and wellbeing teams.
- UCL Profiles
Search and discovery tool to showcase the UCL community and its publishing, research, teaching and professional activities. Replaces IRIS
- Research Publication Service (RPS)
Online platform providing a hub for UCL researchers to manage a central record of their research outputs. It works by capturing researcher’s publications from a range of sources such as Scopus, Web of Science, and CrossRef. Researchers can add records for publications manually, and can import publications lists. UCL researchers upload their manuscripts in RPS, which are then made open access in UCL’s repository, UCL Discovery. Publications in RPS populate researchers' IRIS profiles, which publicly showcase research
Office of the VP (Strategy) provides data and insight to inform management decision making. A number of reporting tools provide a front end to users to consume this data and derive their own insights. Tableau, Business Objects, and Power BI are all used.
- Business Objects
Busines Objects based reporting