Virtual: IoN Green Day Symposium 25th January 2021
25 January 2021, 3:00 pm–5:00 pm
We are very pleased to let you know that the Institute has organised an ION Green Day Symposium on 25th January 2021, which will be held via Zoom.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
N/A OnlineN/A onlineN/A OnlineN/A onlineUnited Kingdom
The following speakers are confirmed:
- Professor Mike Hanna (Director, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology);
- Dr Nick Watts (Chief Sustainability Officer NHS England & NHS Improvement);
- Professor Sanjay Sisodiya (Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology);
- Richard Jackson (Director, Sustainability, Sustainability Safety & Sustainability UCL);
- Professor Geraint Rees (Chair of the UCL Sustainability Steering Group and Dean, UCL Faculty of Life Sciences).
There is further information on IoN sustainability activities on our website
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