WEISS Health Challenge 2020
The WEISS Health Challenge is open to doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, managers and commissioners involved in healthcare at UCL-affiliated institutions and working in the following areas of surgery/intervention: anaesthetics, cardiac and vascular, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, musculoskeletal, neurosurgical/CNS, paediatric, radiology, urological, women’s health.
WEISS researchers will help you develop a solution to your challenge, working in partnership with you to make sure the new technology, device, or innovation will really work for you, your colleagues and your patients. We expect to fund 3-5 awards for this call, with the following possible outcomes:
- 50% WEISS funded fellowship at ST level 3-7, estimated at £40,000 per annum
- Pump-prime award, up to £20,000 per project
- PPI support, up to £2,000 per project
Deadline: 23:59, Wednesday 15 January 2020
Full guidance and an application form can be found here:
Apply for the WEISS Health Challenge 2020
WEISS Senior Clinical Fellowships 2020
The WEISS Senior Clinical Fellowships have been created to help develop new collaborations between academic clinicians at UCL Partner Hospitals and WEISS principal investigators. Each fellow can help develop new ideas whilst expanding their own research interests; they will also help bridge the gap between clinicians and engineers to help each understand the other better.
Five fellowships are available and applications are open to all consultants and trainees in their final two years of SpR training at any UCL Partner Hospital. WEISS will offer funding support of up to £13,000 per annum to each successful candidate for relevant projects or attendance at meetings.
Deadline: 23:59, Wednesday 15 January 2020
Full guidance and an application form can be found here:
Apply for the WEISS Senior Clinical Fellowships 2020
WEISS Proof of Concept Funding 2020
The Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences invites applications for funding of Proof of Concept projects in the following areas:
- Robotics and/or artificial intelligence for medical interventions/surgery
- Novel imaging and/or sensing modalities/technologies
- Human factors and/or clinical decision making
This call is open to all UCL researchers who hold a permanent academic position or external fellowship who have a research idea that aligns with the scope of this funding call as well as the WEISS strategy. Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. The WEISS Proof of Concept Fund expects to fund 3-4 projects in the range of £50-60k each, directly incurred costs only. Awarded projects should be of 9-12 months duration. Applications that have industry engagement and/or direct match funding will be particularly welcome.
Deadline: 23:59, Monday 20 January 2020
Full guidance and an application form can be found here: