Routes of Entry:
We offer both MRes + PhD or direct to PhD entry to the CDT. Students recruited through the Open Project route are enrolled onto our MRes programme and will be able to select a research project from a pool of proposals from our academic staff. Upon successful completion of the MRes they will progress to the MPhil/PhD. Students recruited through a Named Project route have the option to bypass the MRes and enrol onto the MPhil/PhD if they have already gained the requisite training in their prior study.
Why study at our Centre?
- Strong community
We provide the training and research, but our student cohort brings the CDT to life. The highly supportive environment we provide reflects itself in the close ties our students have built with each other, collaborating on papers and journals and enjoying regular social activities together.
- Relevant research
Direct clinical links underpin our doctorates, ensuring that all research projects are relevant and have potential application to the clinical sector. We are able to take advantage of UCL’s strong connections with hospitals and biomedical research centres across London.
- Strategic alliances
The CDT is integrated professionally and managerially with elements of the three NIHR Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs) and the Biomedical Research Unit in dementia associated with UCL. Uniquely in the UK, UCL is host to three major NIHR BRCs. We have ties to over 30 healthcare and AI companies, ranging from multinationals to SMEs.