We have a dedicated management team and a pool of over 100 supervisors with world-leading medical, engineering and computing expertise in imaging sciences.
The success of our CDT is made possible by the strong network of researchers, clinicians and high-achieving students, all steered by a strong management team.
The centre is managed, under the directorship of Prof Gary Zhang, by a team of academics drawn from both engineering and clinical disciplines. The management team runs the centre day to day.

Prof Gary Zhang
The Centre Director takes overall responsibility for the training programme and chairs management meetings and various events associated with the program.

Prof Matt Clarkson
Deputy Director
The Deputy Director, assisted by the Centre Administrator, oversees many of the day-to-day activities including website maintenance, advertising, recruitment, scheduling, student management, teaching and exam coordination, and project/supervisor assignment.

Prof Kris Thielemans
Industry and Entrepreneur Liason
The Industry and Entrepreneurship Liaison seeks industry input, sponsorship and advises students on industry placements.

Dr Ivana Drobnjak
CDT Student Tutor
The Student Tutor is responsible for fostering a positive learnng envrionment and providing assistance to students to help their achievements.
Mr James Vallerine
Centre Manager
The Centre Manager is responsible for the finance and administration of the CDT programme.
Ms Margeret Kariko
The T&LA asists the CDT Manager in Recruitment and Teaching and Learning aspects of the CDT programme.
Ms Naomi Britton
Communications manager
Responsible for supporting internal and external communications relating to the CDT and the seminar series.
“UCL is home to cutting-edge research in imaging, image computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for healthcare innovations. By joining our CDT, you will have the opportunity to work with world-leaders in the field and, through our direct clinical links, create transformative technologies that make a real impact on patients’ lives.
Prof Gary Zhang, Centre Director
Each student is allocated a clinical supervisor and at least one non-clinical supervisor. Our team is made up of staff members from UCL and their affiliated institutes and hospitals. Below you will find a list of supervisors who have supervised and contributed to previous CDT projects.
- See our non-clinical supervisors
Daniel Alexander d.alexander@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Erwin Alles e.alles@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Andre Altmann a.altmann@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Kirill Aristovich k.aristovich@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Simon Arridge
s.arridge@ucl.ac.ukUCL Centre for Medical Image Computing John Ashburner j.ashburner@ucl.ac.uk UCL Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging David Atkinson d.atkinson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Stavroula Balabani s.balabani@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Anna Barnes anna.p.barnes@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Nuclear Medicine Gareth Barnes g.barnes@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Dean Barratt d.barratt@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Paul Beard paul.beard@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Marta Betcke m.betcke@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Ann Blandford a.blandford@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Martina Callaghan m.callaghan@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Chris Clark christopher.clark@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Jonathan Clayden j.clayden@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Matt Clarkson m.clarkson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and biomedical engineering Richard Colchester richard.colchester@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and biomedical engineering Robert Cooper robert.cooper@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering James Cole
james.cole@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Ben Cox b.cox@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Adrien Desjardins a.desjardins@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Vanessa Diaz v.diaz@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering John Dickson john.dickson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Nuclear Medicine Ivana Drobnjak i.drobnjak@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Clare Elwell c.elwell@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Marco Endrizzi m.endrizzi@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Delmiro Fernandez-Reyes delmiro.fernandez-reyes@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science David Gadian d.gadian@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Pilar Garcia Souto p.garciasouto@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Adam Gibson adam.gibson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Xavier Golay x.golay@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology James Guggenheim j.guggenheim@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Jem Hebden j.hebden@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering David Holder d.holder@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering Yipeng Hu yipeng.hu@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Brian Hutton b.hutton@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Nuclear Medicine Bangti Jin b.jin@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Louis Lemieux louis.lemieux@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Terence Leung t.leung@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Mark Lythgoe m.lythgoe@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Tammy Kalber t.kalber@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Elly Martin elly.martin@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Evangelos Mazomenos e.mazomenos@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering J Mourao-Miranda j.mourao-miranda@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Jamie McClelland j.mclelland@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Peter Munro p.munro@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Andrew Nisbet andrew.nisbet@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Alessandro Olivo a.olivo@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Neil Oxtoby n.oxtoby@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Marco Palombo marco.palombo@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Laura Panagiotaki e.panagiotaki@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Geoff Parker geoff.parker@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Gary Royle g.royle@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Nader Saffari n.saffari@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Silvia Schievano s.schievano@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Rebecca Shipley rebecca.shipley@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Karin Shmueli k.shmueli@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Jennifer Steeden jennifer.steeden@ucl.ac.uk Institute of Cardiovascular Science Agostino Stilli a.stilli@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Danail Stoyanov danail.stoyanov@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Daniel Stuckey d.stuckey@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Carole Sudre c.sudre@ucl.ac.uk MRC Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing Ilias Tachtsidis i.tachtsidis@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Paul Taylor p.taylor@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Development Kris Thielemans k.thielemans@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Nuclear Medicine John Thornton jst@medphys.ucl.ac.uk UCLH Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology Ryo Torii r.torii@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Bradley Treeby b.treeby@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Manish Tiwari m.tiwari@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Francisco Porto Guerra E Vasconcelos f.vasconcelos@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Computer Science Catarina Veiga c.veiga@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing Yiannis Ventikos y.ventikos@ucl.ac.uk UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering Simon Walker-Samuel simon.walkersamuel@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott c.wheeler-kingshott@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Gary Zhang gary.zhang@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing - See our clinical supervisors
Obiekezie Agu obiekezie.agu@uclh.nhs.uk Royal Free Hospital Richard Amos richard.amos@uclh.nhs.uk UCLH Proton Beam Therapy Physics George Attilakos george.attilakos@uclh.nhs.uk Fetal Medicine Unit UCLH Kristian Aquilina Marion.Exley@gosh.nhs.uk Great Ormond Street Hospital Owen Arthurs owen.arthurs@gosh.nhs.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Topun Austin topun.austin@ucl.ac.uk Addenbrooke's Hospital Torsten Baldeweg t.baldeweg@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Frederik Barkhof f.barkhof@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Health Eng and UCL Institute of Neurology Paul Cathcart paul.cathcart@uclh.nhs.uk University College London Hospital Jeremy Chataway j.chataway@ucl.ac.uk National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Olga Ciccarelli o.ciccarelli@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Catharine Clark catharine.clark@nhs.net UCLH Francesca Cordeiro m.cordeiro@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Helen Cross Cross h.cross@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Sebastian Crutch s.crutch@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Brian Davidson b.davidson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Research Department of General Surgery Anna David a.david@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute for Women's Health Paolo De Coppi p.decoppi@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health / Great Ormond Street Hospital Jan Deprest j.deprest@ucl.ac.uk KU Leuven Beate Diehl b.diehl@ucl.ac.uk UCLH Neurology and Neurosurgery John Duncan j.duncan@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Mark Emberton m.emberton@ucl.ac.uk UCL Research Department of Urology Nick Fox n.fox@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Francesco Fraioli f.fraioli@ucl.ac.uk University College London Hospital Mark Gaze mark.gaze@uclh.nhs.uk University College London Hospital Ashley Groves Ashley.Groves@uclh.nhs.uk UCLH Institute of Nuclear Medicine Kurinchi Gurusamy k.gurusamy@ucl.ac.uk Royal Free Hospital Steve Halligan s.halligan@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Mike Hanna m.hanna@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Darren Hargrave Darren.Hargrave@gosh.nhs.uk Great Ormond Street Hospital Alister Hart a.hart@ucl.ac.uk UCL and RNOH David Holder d.holder@ucl.ac.uk University College London and UCL Hospitals Alun Hughes alun.hughes@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science John Hurst j.hurst@ucl.ac.uk UCL Division of Medicine Rowland Illing rowland.illing@uclh.nhs.uk UCLH - Interventional Oncology Service Rolf Jager r.jager@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Pearse Keane p.keane@ucl.ac.uk Moorfields Eye Hospital John Kelly j.d.kelly@ucl.ac.uk UCL Research Department of General Surgery Neil Kitchen neil.kitchen@uclh.nhs.uk University College London Hospital Mathhias Koepp m.koepp@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Alexander Kraskov a.kraskov@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology David Linch david.linch@ucl.ac.uk UCL Research Department of Haematology Laurence Lovat l.lovat@ucl.ac.uk UCL - Research Department of General Surgery Neil Marlow n.marlow@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Women's Health Andrew McEvoy a.mcevoy@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Tara Mastracci rf.aorticreferrals@nhs.net Royal Free Hospital Simon Mead s.mead@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Judith Meek j.meek@ucl.ac.uk University College London Hospital Leon Menezes leon.menezes@uclh.nhs.uk UCLH Nuclear Medicine Caroline Moore caroline.moore@ucl.ac.uk University College London Hospital David Miller leon.menezes@uclh.nhs.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Jasper Morrow j.morrow@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Parashkev Nachev p.nachev@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Christopher O'Callaghan c.ocallaghan@ucl.ac.uk Institute of Child Health and GOSH Carlos Pavesio c.pavesio@ucl.ac.uk Moorfields Eye Hospital Praveen Patel praveen.patel@moorfields.nhs.uk UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Donald Peebles d.peebles@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Women's Health Douglas Pendse doug.pendse@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Steve Periera stephen.pereira@ucl.ac.uk UCLH and Royal Free Hospital Massimo Pinzani m.pinzani@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health Andrew Plumb andrew.plumb@ucl.ac.uk Faculty of Medicine Martin Pule martin.pule@ucl.ac.uk UCL Cancer Institute Shonit Punwani s.punwani@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Tom Quick tom.quick@rnoh.nhs.uk Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Nikki Robertson n.robertson@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute for Women’s Health Jonathan Rohrer j.rohrer@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Jonathan Schott j.schott@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Anette-Eleonore Schrag a.schrag@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Sobha Sivaprasad s.sivaprasad@ucl.ac.uk Moorfields Eye Hospital Martin Smith martin.smith@ucl.ac.uk UCLH Ashwin Sridhar a.sridhar@ucl.ac.uk UCLH Alistair Story alistairstory@gmail.com UCLH Sarah Tabrizi s.tabrizi@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Andrew Taylor a.taylor76@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Child Health Stuart Taylor stuart.taylor@ucl.ac.uk UCL Centre for Medical Imaging Martin Tisdall Bianca.Fraser@gosh.nhs.uk Great Ormond Street Hospital Ahmed Toosy a.toosy@ucl.ac.uk National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Moorfields Eye Hospital Adnan Tufail adnan.tufail@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Matthew Walker m.walker@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Jason Warren jason.warren@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology David Werring d.werring@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Tarek Yousry t.yousry@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology Ludvic Zrinzo l.zrinzo@ucl.ac.uk UCL Institute of Neurology
Our students come from a range of backgrounds but they all have a dedication and a passion for the medical imaging field in common.
- 2021-22 cohort
Ahmed Abdulaal Abdulaal
Harry Allan
Dimitrios Anastasiou
Emer Burke O'Leary
Haroon Chughtai
Aure EnkaouaLucie Gourmet
Tiantian He
Yuliang Huang
Ayodeji Ijishakin
Mitchel Lee
Li QiSuzi Liang
Ziting Liang
Azhir Mahmood
Florencia Maurino Alperovich
Sam Porter
Alex Saikia- 2020-21 cohort
Oriana Arsenov
Klara Bas
Josie Carmichael
Liam Chalcroft
Hannah Coleman
Vanni Consumi
Thomas De Carvalho
Solene Dietsch
Iani Gayo
Natalie Gunasekara
Nicole JurjewChristina Katsiva
Karolina Kozeniauskaite
India Lewis Thompson
Isaac Llorente
Sophie Martin
Kai Mason
Aoife McDonald-Bowyer
Jannette Nassar
Poppy Nikou
Federica Ninno
Alissa ParmenterNathaniel Redgewell
Shaheer Ullah Saeed
Ahmed Salem
Snigdha Sen
Zeena Shawa
Imraj Singh
Robbert Struyven
Yohn Taylor
Fraser Watt
Thomas Wemyss- 2019-20 cohort
Riccardo Barbano
Zac Baum
Jake Bewick
Lawrence Binding
Ariane Bollack
Daniela Botnariuc
Emmeline Brown
James Chapman
Juana Gonzalez Bueno PuyalUzair Hakim
Feng He
Artur Jurgenson
Oliver Kiersnowski
Ana Lawry Aguila
Francesca Leek
Nina Montana Brown
Sarah Needleman
Samuel RotJames Ruffle
Alkisti (Kyriaki) Stavropoulou
Emma Thomson
Serena Verdi
William Warner
Qianya Yang
Fiona Young
Yukun Zhou
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Academic board
The academic board consists of the theme leaders and other advisers on the CDT. The board are involved in the steering of the centre and the recruitment process.