Acquiring, processing and exploiting information and data for optimum utilisation
It is estimated that in a few years there will be many more connected devices around the globe than humans, with each such device pursuing constant connectivity, collectively creating massive scale data to be processed. In this theme, we will develop novel ways of acquiring, processing, and analysing information from multiple sources to enable high precision and maximum usability, with applications ranging from digital health to security and from smart environments to the arts. We are achieving this goal by developing new data acquisition and processing technology underpinned by advances in fields such as compressive sensing, machine learning, smart surfaces for optical signal processing and statistics.
Projects in this theme
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People working in this theme
Dr David Selviah
Reader in Optical Devices Interconnects Algorithms and Systems
3D pattern recognition | 3D image processing | cloud computing | Silicon Lasers
Dr Mohammad Ashraful Anam
Research Associate
Error-tolerant computing | High-performance computing | Cloud computing | Error detection & correction
Silvia Rossi
Student, PhD
Video Processing | wireless networks | virtual reality | machine learning | optimization
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